Deer hunting from a blind?


New member
The only deer hunting I have seriously done is from a stand. I have a new place to go this year but a stand does not really seem doable. There are three huge pecan trees with tracks and scrapes everywhere. They are so huge in fact my climber will not work and I really don't have permission to build a permanent stand in the trees though I suppose I could get it somehow. I am just wondering if any of you have been successful hunting whitetail from a blind and if you can furnish any advice?
I've actually killed the majority of my deer from a ground blind. Most of the time simply sitting with your back to a tree and behind some bushes works fine.

I would consider digging a hole (think foxhole) if I understand the terrain correctly.
I use an "outhouse" blind for around $80. Pops up in seconds and weighs next to nill. I sit on a bucket in it. I set up near any kind of trees to break up any outline.
Blinds, stands, still-hunting all work. Pay attention to prevailing wind patterns as well as shifts in wind direction. Patience seems to be the most important element in big-game hunting, at least in my experience.

My observations about deer are as follows: they will believe what they smell before they believe what they hear, and they will believe what they hear before they believe what they see, with the exception of quick movements.

Move too fast and they will spook in a blink.
i second what dogjaw said. i got a popup camo blind from academy sports for $70 to use in western okla. and have taken 6 deer and 2 turkeys out of it. 187
I've also got the Outhouse blind. I usually try to set it up near some other fall and then throw a few extra cover on or around it to help it blend in better.

I've only owned it for a year now. Others who have portable blinds have had many deer come very close to them w/o even knowing about it.
well i went by BPS yesterday to check out some of the pop up blinds they have, quite an array

the Outhouse model seemed to be the most economical but did not appear to allow enough space for shooting a bow so i shifted my gaze to the Doghouse model, their was also another brand which advertised specifically for bowhunters which i imagine would do well for muzzleloading and gun too, any advice on these things?

i was originally going to build a blind with branches and scrap wood and a shovel but i am still fuzzy on the best way to hunt this piece of land so something that is easily moved seems logical though perhaps not as cheap as natural material, a stay put blind is more likely to become the home of uninvited critters though so maybe a pop up is the way to go, i dunno as the concept is still pretty new to me
bought a Doghouse model pop up blind yesterday, gonna try it out tomorrow if i can pry it away from my 3 year old son, thanks for the replies
Set it up in the backyard (what the Hell did I ever do before I had a large yard?) and took several shots. The collapsable chair had to go for rooms sake but it will work for muzzleloader and centerfires. My first time shooting a bow from a kneeling position but I shot much much better which makes sense don't it? Duh. It takes about two minutes to set up, five if you put the roof supports in but they don't add much. Definitely need to stake it down as the wind will blow it away easily. The take down is a little tricky and I am not sure I am doing it exactly right but it fits back in the case easily enough. I think it will work well provided I pick a good spot.

Got rained out for today's hunt. :mad: Damn I hope I get one soon, I have a great red Zin that will be perfect for some venison tenderloin.
I've never had good results with deer hunting with a blind. The deer always seem to see me just before I see them. I've had better luck stalking that with using a blind.
For many people, it's hard to imitate a dead lump while "just sittin'". I take a book to read if I'm going to sit in a blind. I've trained myself to read a few lines, look around; read; look...

Lots of times while just sitting down, backed up to a bush or tree, I've dozed off. I wake up, and sure enough, there's Bambi! Interactions ensue.

:), Art