Deer Crossing Sign

Jack O'Conner

New member
Many years back, I was scouting for a place to hunt deer within the Huron National Forest of Michigan. I had never driven there before but soon encountered a deer crossing yellow sign by the roadway. I stopped and walked back about 100 yards looking for a deer trail. Finding nothing, I reversed my steps and found a heavily used deer trail about 50 yards past the sign. I followed the trail for about half mile into the forest where it crossed another deer trail. So I made a plan to hunt within sight of the two trails but back aways so that any movement would not be seen by wary deer. I cleared a couple shooting lanes so I could fire my 30-30 carbine without brush in the way. Opening morning of deer season found me sitting on a mat ready to shoot. At about 8AM, a doe walked down one trail and a dandy six pointer followed close behind. I lined up my open sights on the chest of this buck and squeezed off a shot. The Winchester bucked slightly as the blast echoed through the forest and the buck toppled after a few jumps. He never knew what hit him. I was delighted that a plan came to fruition because of that deer crossing sign! Jack
Years ago I had a job that required back shift surveillance of a site 5 miles from the main one. There was a deer crossing sign about half way there.

One foggy winter night (about 2am) I was returning to the main site and saw a deer walking down the side of the road. I slowed way down, and watched as the deer walked down the side of the road, to the sign, then turned and crossed the road.

Really glad I slowed down, as I was laughing so hard that if I hadn't I might have run off the road. Deer can read!!! :rolleyes:
Deer crossing signs are not going to be posted where the deer cross.

They'll be posted at some distance to give drivers a chance to react and slow down or at least be more alert.

Info in the OP verifies this.
deer signs

Well, that's one way to do it.....pretty slick. On the scenic Parkway where I worked, the deer numbers were so high that one of the Supt's (who are god like in their respective park) declared that the signs served no purpose and were an eyesore, and they all came down. Over my tenure and to present, they never have gone back up, some 30 years.

I can remember riding with my Dad and he'd ask "There's a deer crossing sign, why do you suppose they use there?" I was pretty young, junior high age at best,and we'd talk about it. Dad was not a super successful deer hunter, but he was a diligent student about a lot of things and deer behavior was one of them.
I used to have a picture someplace of a hunter with his stand attached to the deer crossing sign, unfortunately can't find it.:)