Do deer see in the UV spectrum? Well maybe they do and maybe they don't. Can deer see color? Why not, every other animal does. The question is do they know what they are looking at? How many times have you thought you saw something that turned out to be something else? Many I'm sure. If what you see is motionless it's a damn sight harder to figure out what it is than something that's moving. Here lies the secret to successful hunting , be still.
I've hunted mule deer in California and whitetail in Louisiana plus many places in between. I've hunted them dressed in everything from white shirts to camouflage and have had much success. Deer do see movement, sometimes even the slightest thereof . These critters have superman hearing too. At over a hundred yards they are able to hear the click of a safety being taken off, be quiet too.
I kinda believe this UV thing is like the color thing with deer, BS. Shucks I remember when folks thought that deer never looked up in trees and started climbing them like monkeys in order to kill more. They quickly learned that at the slightest movement, or sound, the deer looked them right in the eye, up in the tree or not.
Believe what you will about what deer can or can't see, but when hunting them being still and being quiet will give you a lot more opportunities for success than what you wear, or how you wash it.