Decriminalize self-defense (USA Today 3/1/2011)


Interesting editorial in the USA Today...speaks to parts of our proposed Florida SB 234 but on a national scope (it's not just a Florida issue). The writer uses logic rather than emotion to make his case. Enjoy.

Decriminalize self-defense (USA Today 3/1/2011)
By David Burnett

For some, allowing guns on campus seems about as smart as fighting a flood with a garden hose. A thousand what-if scenarios of students with guns seem to paint a vivid argument against guns on campus. However, these what-ifs boil down to nothing more than emotional arguments that don't match reality. We must not only ask "what if?" but also "what is?"

David Burnett is the president of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.

Edit: It is a violation of copyright to post an entire article. Best to post it as I have edited, above. Al Norris
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Wait... opposing views on gun control... given equal floor time? I must give them kudos on that.

Funny, the only meaningful thing the anti-gunner could mention was that some CCW holder "almost" shot another Good Samaritan after the Giffords shooting. They provide an imbedded link to that reference. If you click it and read the story (written by another liberal writer) you'll find that this man that "almost shot" the Good Samaritan never drew his weapon. Desperation rules the day when you spin such fairy tales. I would say the man practiced considerable restraint and damned fine judgement, not to mention bravery. But, no, all they can talk about is, "he almost shot that poor man and slammed him against the wall."
I wonder if the authors of those articles slamming firearms owners would lay it all out on the line for total strangers? Would they step into the line of fire, armed or not, to protect a child being brutalized, a woman being raped, a man being beaten? To stop a Congresswoman and her guests from being massacred? I think not. :barf:
But the tiny chance that someone with a gun might be in the right place — and have the necessary skill and nerve — to deter a criminal or an insane shooter isn't worth risking the way everyday gun carrying could change the atmosphere in classes and dorms, or the unintended dangers it would bring.

Mass attacks such as the one at Virginia Tech, as horrible as they are, are rare.

So it's okay to roll the dice on whether or not you are a defenseless murder victim but not okay to roll the dice on the chance that a legal gun owner could make a difference. Rubbish.

It's like these people argue against themselves. Cute.
So it's okay to roll the dice on whether or not you are a defenseless murder victim but not okay to roll the dice on the chance that a legal gun owner could make a difference. Rubbish.

Well said.
Upon further review, this David Burnett is an interesting guy. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus - who knew?? ...agree or disagree, its great to see this kind of student activism. Here is a link with a bit more information for anyone who is interested.
Went to a training session a few months back, the instructor spent 10 minutes talking about 'active shooters', such as Virginia or Columbine. Law Enforcement is now trained to engage them immediately, no waiting for backup, as the perpetrators seem to quit or commit suicide as soon as they are engaged.

So, even if some citizen with a pistol shoots back and misses, it could be quite helpful. Even unarmed persons can throw chairs or books at him, resistance is going to change their behavior and gain time for escape, assistance, or even overpowering him.