Decisions, decisions..."little help here!"

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New member
Well, I may be making a purchase soon and have it down to the "European Big 3": Glock, HK (USP), or Sig. (Sorry George, but my grandfather was from Austria, another plus for Glock. I'll take your place in the market ;) ).
I do not currently own anything from these companies and would like some help.

My main criteria are that this will be used as a "companion arm" for hunting deer sized game as well as just plain fun to shoot.

I guess that kind of eliminates the Sig right away unless the 357 Sig is viable for hunting?? Don't know. It also narrows down the HK except maybe using 45 Super for hunting which I know less about than the 357 Sig. I am really eyeing up a Glock 20C I saw the other day at my local gun store.

Please, all ye keepers of great knowledge (and opinions :) ) bestow your wisdom upon this humble soul!

Oh yeah, this all depends A LOT on the wife too! ;)
The 10mm Glock would be a good choice for the purpose you state. :)

45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel!
I love the sigpro in 357sig, also the glock in the sig is nice. USP compact has 357 sig now all of this guns a fine pices. hope this helps.
As much as I love SIGs and would love to reccomend one to you, for the purposes you state the G20 would be best. The 10mm full power rounds will finish off any game, and serve as a great defensive sidearm as well.
Greetings, I would not recommend ANY auto
loader for hunting deer sized (and larger)
game !!! This is an area reserved and best
suited for the magmum caliber revolver's;
such as .357, .41, and .44 Caliber. Or,
come to think of it, the .454 Casull !!!

Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 11-10-99

Ala Dan
Ala Dan is right, at least 99% of deer
hunters will take 44 mag.revolver, sometimes
.357 mag, but never auto pistol....I live
in Michigan, we do have a lot of deer and
deer hunters with rifles and handguns, but
nobody I know takes auto as a back-up gun
for deer hunting, although, I guess, .50AE
may have enough power to knock the deer
down...but this Desert Eagle thingie is kind of heavy.

Auto loaders are for two legged and inatimate targets (i.e. paper)! .44 magnum .357 magnum are the HUNTERs choice! .357 magnum would be my choice for SELF-DEFENSE and HUNTING...
You can also shoot less expensive .38specials through a .357MAG revolver. A real +++.

My advice would be to buy a SIG P220 to keep as an auto loader, and find a relatively inexpensive Smith and Wesson .357 magnum revolver for your outdoors (hunting) use. I have seen really inexpensive S&Ws of high quality for less than $225. Look at paying between $500-$600 on a new SIG P220 in .45ACP.

My advice would still be in line with DANs, autoloaders are not really good for hunting purposes IMHO! When we shoot at the range we generally empty a MAG before putting our weapons down or back in a rig. When outdoors, hunting, emptying a MAG out in the open in an uncontrolled environment may be DANGEROUS! And not emptying it may also be dangerous... I believe DAO revolvers are a better choice for the HUNTER... Safety wise...Caliber wise... etc; etc;

Hope my advice helps.

Two Tap,

Have you considered a SIG 220 (45ACP) loaded with 45 Super and a heavier recoil spring?


"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
For Dan and James and other .357 Mag fans, what you're not realizing is that the 10mm has far more power than the .357 Mag, and is therefore superior for game applications, though I would certainly agree that a .44Mag or rifle would be even better. It's not the action type that counts, it's the ballistics (and the ability to hit your target).
Thanks for the input everyone. This is NOT going to be my primary weapon. This will be strictly for the thick stuff while still hunting to my stand.

My primary weapons are a H&R 980 Ultra Slug gun and a 7.5" Super Redhawk, both scoped.

And as Futo pointed out the .357 Mag has far less power than the 10mm. Otherwise I'd use my 357 DE and walk in a circle due to the extra weight on one side. ;)

Equalizer, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!

[This message has been edited by 2tapcm (edited November 11, 1999).]
Many states (like here in colorado) have very strict rules about WHAT pistols/calibers are legal for hunting.. in CO you MUST have a 41 mag or better (ballisticly speaking) the language is something like it has to have 500 lbs of energy at 50 yards, which VERY few auto loading rounds can get close to.. unless you are carrying an automag or a desert eagle.. heavy wieght on the hip.

However, in many states (where you have lil whitetails and not Big muleys and bigger elk) the 357 is lawful and legal. And a used 357 can be easliy had for a couple hundred bucks.

Now having SAID all that, you can carry a gun openly in colorado for whatever reason (self defense clause in state constitution) , or varminting etc (provided you have the right license). Before I bought my 44 mag vaquero i had carried a NUMBER of sidearms in the field including a ruger mk 2 with a 5.5 bull barrel, a 45 acp colt lieghtwieght commander, a colt new service army revolver in 45 acp, and a hungarian pa-63 walther copy (usually when i'm antelope hunting) and an FEG hi-power copy. All were good "trail guns" but NONE were legal for big game. (however nearly ALL have been used to deliver the coup de gras on antelope over the years, esp the walther copy)

I was packing out a cow elk my dad had shot and was taking a break, sitting down our pole supporting a 1/4 of dead elk I looked up and was suprised to see a LIVE cow elk standing 20 feet away from me. All i had on me was a .22 ruger pistol, my partner on the pole had a 9mm full of hardball. NIETHER was adequate to smack the 400+ pound cow standing there mocking us, 200 yards from the truck. The Cow tag in my pocket suddenly seemed very wasted. As soon as I could afford it I bought a shiney new ruger vaquero in 44 mag. is it a true "hunter's gun?" Nope. Its too shiny (glossy stainless finish) NICE cowboy gun though. But good enough for the situation listed above.. I cant' shoot it very well past 25 yards or so. But for crawling into a bear cave... or for busting jack pines... or signalling when you are lost... or whatever its a nice companion piece. Seems I started a trend though.. cause EVERYONE in elk camp carries a .44 but my brother... who carries a 357 blackhawk and he's saving up for a 44. (even have one guy has a CASULL in camp. ;) )

Check your local game laws.. if you REALLY want a nice "companion" piece to your rifle.. make sure its big game legal.

But hell if you just want to carry a piece in the woods... pick the one with the toughest finish (i think that's the glock) I like the model 17, wish the model 21 was that small (i prefer 45's) or the best ergomnomics and price. And get a decent holster that you can wear all day. ( i could have bought ANOTHER pa-63 for what i paid for my custom holster/belt from Trailrider products)

Have fun stay safe and good hunting.

Dr. Rob,

Here in MI the handgun hunting restrictions for the lower half (shotgun only) of the state are as follows:

"A repeating conventional handgun must be .35 caliber or larger with a maximum capacity of nine rounds in the barrel and magazine combined loaded with straight-walled cartridges. Conventional single shot handguns are illegal"

I know I would have to plug the magazine somehow.

I have hunted with a handgun here for the past 6 years and keep a sharp eye on all of the gun/hunting laws.

Maybe someday I'll make it out that way where the elk and mulies play. :) That sounds like fun!

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!
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