Decidedly un-PC opinions from Fred regarding the decline of civilization

Jack 99

New member
Don't know how many of you know about Fred. His bio on his website is pretty interesting. He's as un-PC as they get. This is a pretty good summary of the decline of American Civilization.

WARNING! If you are offended by frankness, directness and thoughts/attitudes not controlled by speech codes or political correctness, do not proceed!


One might be pressed to prove that our country is in fatal decline, but I think a lot of us can smell it. The light dims. Things no longer work. Too many curves point downward, too many of the measures of civilization fail. We bask, still, in the waning sunset of a dying greatness, but it won't last. Maybe our time is over.

A flourishing economy can hide many evils, and does. Computers grow faster, cellular telephones proliferate, and the Internet, perhaps America's last great contribution to the world, advances apace. Employment is high, masking for the moment the rot beneath. Decline, if it comes, as it comes, will be comfortable, a moral and spiritual sump
instead of a time of starvation.

Yet it is decline.

Look about. Society coarsens around us. Courtesy withers, vileness flourishes, foul language pours from the radio and the screens that circumscribe our lives, along with witless violence, grotesquerie vying with bloody grotesquerie, with perversion, sadism, and casual murder. We no longer avoid the gutter, but bathe in it. At dinner time, when the young watch, television lovingly portrays a callousness toward death and immorality that makes a Weimar bordello seem a venue of childlike innocence, that calls up the degraded mob in the days of the Roman games.

Our children have never known anything else.

Schooling wanes. The forms of education remain, concealing the vanishing of substance. Daily, word of the catastrophe passes along the Internet. Students in wealthy school districts are discovered to be unable to pass a simple examination in algebra. We find credentialed teachers to be ignorant of their subjects. Our once-great universities give unearned grades to all students, while letting them avoid difficult subjects, while allowing them to pretend to scholarship by taking vacuous majors in Women's Studies and Black Studies. The students rule the universities like barbarians from a dark forest.

The arts have sunk to the level of an amusement park. We have artists of merit, but we honor only blotsters and daubmeisters in our thoroughly silly public prints. Works of sculpture in cold truth often cannot be distinguished from the contents of a junkyard. Language has declined, grammar gone into hiding, the subjunctive disappeared, pride in articulateness given way to something close to shame. The jungle grunting of rap passes for music.

Except in technology, the candle of American civilization gutters. We have somehow lost the gumption to say, "No." To this invertebracy we owe all else. We lack the
confidence in our beliefs to tell our children, "You will study algebra and Shakespeare and history because these are the essentials of culture, and because we are your parents and say that you will study them. Ten years hence, you will thank us." We lack the confidence to laugh at inartistic absurdity paraded as aesthetic advancement, or to say that we will not stand for gory dismemberment in cinema. We haven't the will to control crime, to outlaw pornography, to impose ourselves.

Above all, we lack the strength to resist the minorities. This will destroy us.

The best of us cower before the worst. We withdraw into ourselves, into our private lives and families, saying quietly to each other, "It is hopeless." The worst, who do least, grow ever more assertive. They want more. We give it to them.

Instead of saying, "Here are the standards of our civilization. Live up to them," we lower the measures of all things for their convenience. Time and again, monotonously, with the deadening predictability of sunrise, we see that minorities cannot do things, and so to placate them we lower standards for ourselves. If they cannot earn a teaching certificate, we reduce the requirements, and
so educate neither our children nor theirs. This folly has become reflexive, dominating discourse, governing policy, instituting a double standard, engendering farce. We judge everything by whether the complaining classes will approve.

We do not learn. The Romans made the mistake two millennia ago of providing free corn to the urban rabble. Soon they had the eternal mob, simmering in the slums, living pointlessly, breeding extravagantly, demanding entertainment and threatening to explode if not pandered to. As with Rome, so with America. Instead of bread and circuses, we provide welfare and television, but the principle is the same. The cruelty of television surpasses that of the gladiatorial games.

Welfare works badly. Charity prolonged becomes charity expected. Demands met encourage further demands. People who contribute little or nothing to society grow accustomed to contributing nothing, and regard leisure as their due. Knowing nothing, they do nothing. And so finally they become superfluous, as society learns to live without them. They are merely there.

The communists prattled of the dictatorship of the proletariat, while practicing the dictatorship of the dictatorship. We have actually achieved the rule of the worst. The unproductive, the dull, the witless, and the shiftless have found that they can marshal more votes than can their betters, and thus they have grasped the levers of power. Do you find study difficult? Why, demand easier courses, and prevail through numbers. Have the emoluments associated with scholarship and diligence eluded you? Assert that you have suffered discrimination, and hold out your begging bowl.

None dare say, "No." I do not understand why.

Our moral compass no longer functions. Good and Evil have no meaning. A miasmic faith that one should do one's thing, no matter what that thing is, keeps us from making the simplest moral judgements. Where once we believed that the better was preferable to the worse, we now believe that the worse, being more democratic, is preferable to the better. The promulgation of standards has become a sign of elitism, evidence of darkest sin.

Ah, but the rub comes last. We cannot buck, we cannot clamor against the gathering twilight, because of the eerie censorship emanating from everywhere and nowhere, the near-Soviet fear that we will be denounced to the commissariat on vague charges of transgressing vaguer rules. We tremble to struggle. We can can lose our jobs if we say anything to offend the protected groups--and everything offends them.

Night is coming, and we are afraid.

©Fred Reed 2000. All rights reserved.
True as far as it goes, and I am reminded of it every time I leave the house (killed the TV a long time ago).

We might also keep in mind that, contrary to all expectations, the Soviet Union (aka Evil Empire--which it was!) imploded ten years ago and is now ancient history. The Good Guys won and didn't even know they were ahead.

I personally experienced the rise and fall of a smaller but just as evil an 'empire' in my own career. We were reduced to hanging on 'just one day longer' than they could. We did. They ultimately imploded, and we helped the process. They're gone, we have the scars, clippings, and war stories.

I have raised two fine (not perfect, but fine and probably better people than me) children in the midst of all this--one day at a time. It was uphill against the wind all the way, but there they are.

We don't win them all--but we can be faithful to our ideals.

Who knows--in 20 years this country COULD look back on this time with revulsion and be squaring itself away. Nothing is impossible. Depends on your perspective. On my good days mine revolves around a 2000 year old Jewish Carpenter...

Yeah, I found Fred some months back, read his columns, and subscribed to the weekly email delivery.

The boy do have a away with words, neh? I have yet to read a column where, "Aw, c'mon now!" popped up in my mind.

He should be required reading for just whole bunches of the politically correct.

Originally posted by Robert Foote:
True as far as it goes, and I am reminded of it every time I leave the house (killed the TV a long time ago).

We might also keep in mind that, contrary to all expectations, the Soviet Union (aka Evil Empire--which it was!) imploded ten years ago and is now ancient history. The Good Guys won and didn't even know they were ahead.

I personally experienced the rise and fall of a smaller but just as evil an 'empire' in my own career. We were reduced to hanging on 'just one day longer' than they could. We did. They ultimately imploded, and we helped the process. They're gone, we have the scars, clippings, and war stories.

I have raised two fine (not perfect, but fine and probably better people than me) children in the midst of all this--one day at a time. It was uphill against the wind all the way, but there they are.

We don't win them all--but we can be faithful to our ideals.

Who knows--in 20 years this country COULD look back on this time with revulsion and be squaring itself away. Nothing is impossible. Depends on your perspective. On my good days mine revolves around a 2000 year old Jewish Carpenter...

So you really think the Soviet Union "imploded " ten years ago ? Please explain to me why they are still builing one OSCAR II submarine each year, while we decommission ours. Why they continue to build nukes while we decommission ours. My mother used to teach english at the University of Moscow. She saw no decline in military activity whatsoever. The only thing that has slowed down in the Soviet Union is the living standards of the common people.The only thing that has REALLY changed is the perception that the American people have been fed by the liberal news media.

Dont take my word for it. Just ask any US sub sailor how much of his time he spent tracking and playing the usual cat and mouse games with SOVIET SUBS lurking off the US coast.

For an "imploded" nation they sure do spend a lot of time effort and money on their submarine force.

You havent been duped have you ?
As a former USSR inmate, I certainly won't dare to go back and visit even if I wanted to go, which I do not. Russians are still a threat to the rest of the world in part because they are not quite so busy killing each other in droves.

Fred's colunms make me smile and sometimes make me think. He's an old crusty bigot (kinda like Mark Penman) but he has his flashes of brilliance and he's funny and prolific and I read his articles often. The other one to read is Menicken.
I went to the website expecting a Rush Limbough like drivel, (I'm not a Rush fan). I read a few of the articles and was really surprized at Freds' ability to support his point of view! He's pretty good!
If Fred thinks our problems come from Women Studies, Black Studies and Minorities, he is full of horse poop despite his other rhetoric.

Another cry for return to the good old days where women couldn't work and minorities knew their place.

Just another post to make the RKBA look like
dinosaurs. Sorry, flame away but this is drivel.

Fred says:

Above all, we lack the strength to resist the minorities. This will destroy us.


Yep a real role model for society.
I have read the above column, then followed the link to read some more. All Fred has done is write the truth, however unpalatable. The fact that some people cannot deal with it does not make his words any less true.

For those of you who need another fix of brute honesty, follow the below link to Robert Kocher's articles at Lasseiz Faire. He knows exactly what is wrong with our country, and why.
I didn't mean to imply by my post that I thought all of Freds columns were true or that I agreed with them. I liked a few of them though, especially the ones about the therepists, I can't stand these new pill pushers that pass themselves off as "helping people".
On the other hand he seems to have bitterness about women, I'll bet he doesn't date much. While reading the one about how men invented everything, including computers, I wonder if he knows a women invented the first computer language.
But no use in getting all upset. Just because someone might be a little wacky doesn't mean they can't also make a few good points.
What's really sad is when someone writes the truth, while at the same time screaming falsehoods... That leads folks who know what's false to assume that the truth is false also...

I agree that he is pointing the finger to his perceived cause of a problem and not the problem- blaming minorities or women for the current state of affairs is wrong. Plain wrong. If blame must be placed, our society is in decay because of us white males who had all of the power and non of the brains to share it responsibly. We held on too long and then gave chunks away without thinking. Lowering standards is our way of saying "here you go, because we all know you are too stupid to handle it." When we should have said, you pass this test, the same for all, you get to sit at the table without prejudice.

Lower the standards and providing 'bread and circus' is a problem without easy fix. The dumbing down of American Society is EVERYBODY'S fault. It is also everybody's problem to fix. Since all won't pitch in, I guess we are going to redefine minority from that of color or creed to that of thought process.