Deception II


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Government Deception II:
TWA 800?
Plus: Waco's missing evidence


© 1999

In case you didn't know it, there is one man who probably knows more about the TWA Flight 800 disaster, which occurred on July 17, 1996, than any other -- save for a few cowardly government officials who are too scared, too selfish, or too corrupt to talk.
His name is William Donaldson, a former navy pilot, aircraft carrier flight controller, crash investigator, and nuclear weapons ordnance officer. In short, Cdr. Donaldson has "been there and done that" when it comes to aviation.

Sometime ago, Cdr. Donaldson held a press conference to reveal his newest findings in the 800 case. Not many from the press or from the anointed Ivory Tower on Capitol Hill bothered to show up. What a shame; it's possible Cdr. Donaldson's investigation may turn out to be what Waco is turning out to be -- a series of revelations about government abuse, corruption and cover-up. Had any of the anointed few bothered to show up at Donaldson's press conference, perhaps they would not be blindsided now by the facts he has uncovered thus far.

For instance, if anyone in Congress was interested in what really happened to TWA Flight 800, they would already know that Donaldson has convincing evidence that the flight was shot down by a shoulder-fired Stinger missile fired by Islamic terrorists in response to the Clinton administration's approval of sanctions against Iran and Libya for their continued terrorist sponsorship. Congressmen would know that the government -- and particularly the White House -- knew some three or four Stingers had made it into the U.S. via Afghanistan several months prior to the shootdown because they admitted as much in a 1996 London Times article. And they'd know that hundreds of eyewitnesses saw the missile streak toward the beleaguered plane moments after it was fired from a small boat -- a boat that showed up on newly released radar images of the area off New York that fateful night.

Regarding witnesses -- if Congress had been showing an interest in this case -- Capitol Hill (and the American people as a whole) would already know that the prime witness was a guy in a USAir flight directly above -- about 100 feet -- Flight 800 when it blew up. They would know that this witness saw the missile being launched, then guided, toward the huge airliner. And they'd know that neither the National Traffic Safety Board nor the FBI was ever really interested in his testimony.

Lawmakers would know that right after the sanctions bill was signed against them, Iran called a conference and brought in Mideastern terrorists from nine countries, with the motive of planning attacks against U.S. targets. They'd know that one of the attacks from that conference was the bombing of the U.S. Air Force barracks in Saudi Arabia, as Iran's way of trying to replicate the 1983 Beirut bombing that forced President Reagan to remove U.S. troops from Lebanon.

Cdr. Donaldson claims to have some 140 eyewitnesses to the attack who were in some 60 different locations. But nobody -- even the vaunted Republican "opposition" -- seems interested in hearing this story.

Congress needs to put two-and-two together. The same administration, the same Justice Department and the same FBI that brought them the embarrassment of Waco was also in charge during the so-called TWA Flight 800 "investigation." Why is any lawmaker (or American for that matter) expected to believe these professional liars when the subject changes to TWA Flight 800? Because officials are "above" lying about that? Sure, and I'm Orville Wright.

I've heard many variations of the story blaming the U.S. Navy for the shootdown, but I don't buy them. There is no way to keep hundreds of sailors and naval officers quiet. Besides, three months before the 1996 attack, I had a source tell me that "an airliner is going to be shot down over the U.S." The source also told me who was going to do the shooting (Mideast terrorists).

And, according to Cdr. Donaldson, a number of U.S. warships and support aircraft were in the vicinity of TWA 800's flight path that night precisely because U.S. intelligence sources expected something to happen. They were warned and, as it turns out, something did happen. In fact, the White House, he says, was completely aghast and in a panic when they heard the news. You see, they thought the attack would involve an airliner flying into Atlanta for the Olympic Games, for maximum effect.

But instead, the cowards on the Hill and the butchers in the White House would prefer to let TWA, Boeing, and the families who lost loved ones take the heat.

If Congress really wants to know what happened over the skies near New York that night, they sure as hell don't need to let the FBI reopen this investigation. In fact, lawmakers ought to keep it as far away from the Clinton Justice Department as possible.

If they really want to know, they should invite -- and then listen to -- Cdr. Donaldson. Then, in the words of Sen. Robert Torricelli -- who spoke about Waco this past weekend -- we can all "let the chips fall where they may."

Waco's missing evidence

And speaking of government corruption, anybody seen where all the "missing" Waco evidence has gone? Now we hear that the Justice Department, ever in the "CYA" mode, was so convinced the military played an improper role in assaulting the Davidian community that federal lawyers couldn't even tell Congress. So they left out the last page -- containing damning references to military action -- when they submitted their report to Capitol Hill so many years ago.

Oh, man. Somebody wake me up from this nightmare.

OK -- so Americans have come to expect that agencies like the CIA and the FBI lie to us on a regular basis. Even though this Waco ordeal goes way beyond even customary chicanery, surely there aren't two members of Congress who take these criminals at their word, are there? I mean, there can't be -- after all, the FBI is the agency that let the Clinton administration steal 900 Republican files. And this is the same Justice Department that has either denied it happened or tacitly admitted it happened but it was "no big deal."

Surely there aren't two members of Congress who believe anything this administration, or its bureaucratic minions, tell them?

So why did they? Or did they not believe the administration because they knew the awful truth about Waco all along but preferred to go along to get along -- you know, to keep their own files "secret?"

If the latter is the case, that is cowardice to the "nth" degree.

God admonishes Christians who "know the truth" to shout it from the treetops -- to never remain silent -- because silence is a sin equal to the commission of another's sinful act. As many so-called "Bible thumpers" as there profess to be in "born-again" D.C., I would think that those who know would be more brave. But that is obviously expecting too much, especially these days.

In regards to the "missing" last page of the Justice Department's original Waco report, the excuse given was that it "may have contained classified military information." What kind of BS is that? There shouldn't even have been any domestic military involvement at Waco to begin with. It's against the law -- unless that military genius Bill Clinton provided a presidential waiver.

Besides -- even if Americans cannot know all of the nation's genuine military secrets -- isn't the federal government's bureaucracy duty-bound to provide that information to Congress anyway? After all it is Congress that supposedly funds these agencies, using our tax dollars.

Then again, only guilty SOBs have something to hide. Only those too ashamed of their actions and too scared to own up to them hide things they are supposed to report.

The air is beginning to smell a lot like a massive hog lot inside the Washington Beltway. That is, if it ever did smell clean.



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
Surely there must be a typo in the press release...a US Airways flight directly above TWA 800 "...about 100 feet...". No commercial pilot is knowingly going to be that close to another AC while in flight. They must mean 1000 feet, although I think that is too close a margin for commercial aviation. Any commercial pilots out there? How much separation is supposed to be maintained between AC?

Coulda been 100' above and half a mile away...? No, it say "directly above" You're right, that's got to be a typo ... even 1000' is a bit close tho.
If it was indeed a Stinger - fired my Terrorists - denying the responsibility is the best way to fight them - they live on the fear and panic. If it was an accident, then there will be no fear.

This is the US of A! That stuff doesnt happen over here! This isn't islam... Right?

What would happen if ALL the Sheopple suddenly WOKE UP one day?

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."[/b]
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
At those altitudes 1000 feet is reasonable, but if they were going the same direction it would still have to be 2000'. I picked that up immediately also, along with the fact that if he was "directly above" he wouldn't have seen squat.

Doesn't really affect the possible accuracy of the report, however, since the references are about third-hand on technical subjects. Entirely possible that the pilot(s) involved could and would correct those numbers in a flash if asked.

Meanwhile, the whole affair has smelled like very dead fish forever to me, ever since a newspaper article a couple days later quoted a pair of witnesses, in another aircraft some miles away, as saying that they had seen two missiles track on and impact the plane, nearly a quote. And who were they? A pair of combat experienced Navy fighter pilots, as in they knew damn well what a guided missile looks like

I recall telling my wife that I sure knew who I was gonna believe.

I can't remember...were all four engines from TWA 800 recovered? If so, as the STINGER is a heat seeker, missle impact on an engine or anywhere near it on the wing would be immediately identifiable...shrapnal patterns in the wings, etc would also stand out like the proverbial sore thumb.

Let's remember that the FIM-92A's maximum ceiling is a bit under 16,000 feet with a slat range of only a few miles. Engagement of an airliner climbing through 14,000 feet at high subsonic speed from a boat with a hand-held SAM at night would be extremely diffucult, if not completely impossible. Other third-generation man portable missles have similar performance.

For much of the upper part of these trajectories, the missile is ballistic, having used all the fuel in the eary ascent phase of flight. A missile like the Stinger, which has a fairly small visual signature to begin with, would be quite invisible at the altitude of this case, probably even during daylight hours. The rocket would have shut down and there would be no tell-tale trail to see.

Also, remember that the warheads of these missiles are rather small. Many Soviet aircraft returned to their bases after Stinger, Redeye and SA-7 hits (also note that the Mujahideen generally engaged the airliner-like transports on takeoff and landing, when they where easily targeted and the warhead's effect is magnified by unspent propellent).

Is shoddy maintenance of poorly designed wiring mains through a fuel tank so hard to believe? Of course, if the 747 had been equipped with a nitrogen pressurization fuel system, like military aircraft are, or the tank had been filled, the TWA 800 disaster most likely wouldn't have happened. Call it a conspiricy of airline cheapness, if you will.
Obviously I dont have any idea what REALLY happened, but isnt it a sad state of affairs when we are clearly willing to believe this of our government?

Better days to be,
