December Rangemaster Newsletter

Two things:

Not to excuse the amount of shooting 'training' that goes on in some PDs, but it's often budgets above department level that dictate this. As much as the training section would like to send everyone to a three day class and have quarterly quals, there isn't enough money in the budget to do so.

This also would have to happen when cops were not scheduled to work, increasing the length of their work week, which is already often pretty long. I'm sure I'm not saying anything you do not know, though.

I put twenty wadcutters through my 642 at seven yards today and was pleased with both accuracy and recoil. Wish I'd known about this drill before I went.

Thanks for your time.
I agree.

Training anywhere, especially in LE, is more to eliminate liability for the organization than to teach the employees, whatever training it's for.

If you do something wrong, they can point to your training records and say 'we showed them the correct way to do it.'