Debunking the YouTube incident...

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#1. A total and complete lack of security of any kind at YouTube. Many of us worked at places where we had to go through an access control point or swipe keycard at doors. Where was the access control points?

#2. Surprisingly no armed security or catastrophe team for a multi billion dollar corporation. No police presence at the large campus. It's especially surprising with so much controversial videos on there.

#3. No evacuation plan or disaster drills. After the car bomb incident at the Twin Towers Rick Rescorla had constant drills and plans with the Morgan Stanley employees. When disaster struck he came out with his bullhorn and took a command presence. Where was the Rick Rescorla of YouTube?

#4. Unarmed employees cowering in locked rooms waiting for armed police to show up while the attacker is shooting more people. Concealed carry at work is essential to target hardening.

There is no question in my mind that with so many controversial videos on YouTube and now YouTube taking political positions that it wasn't a matter of if but when and if it didn't happen with firearms it might have happened with something like a car bomb or even a wild machete wielding man for example. When you have no one armed on campus and a total lack of security you invite disaster.

I have no idea why anyone can walk around a controversial company like YouTube. It should have a huge fence around it with armed security, a police presence and access control along with a disaster plan and team.
johnelmore #1. A total and complete lack of security of any kind at YouTube. Many of us worked at places where we had to go through an access control point or swipe keycard at doors. Where was the access control points?
That YouTube facility isn't a single building, but a "campus" of several buildings. Keycard access IS required to enter a building, but the shooting soccurred in a patio area outside a building and in front of that building. Being that the shooters boyfriend was a YouTube employee he easily could have let her access the building.

#2. Surprisingly no armed security or catastrophe team for a multi billion dollar corporation. No police presence at the large campus. It's especially surprising with so much controversial videos on there.
How do you know that? Police were on scene in less than two minutes, which is pretty darn fast. That tells me that either off duty officers work for YouTube or there is a police beat in that area.

#3. No evacuation plan or disaster drills. After the car bomb incident at the Twin Towers Rick Rescorla had constant drills and plans with the Morgan Stanley employees. When disaster struck he came out with his bullhorn and took a command presence. Where was the Rick Rescorla of YouTube?
Really?:rolleyes: Again, how do you know what the YouTube emergency plan is or isn't?
Unless you KNOW where the active shooter(s) shelter in place. Employees locking their doors sounds like they did EXACTLY the right thing.

#4. Unarmed employees cowering in locked rooms waiting for armed police to show up while the attacker is shooting more people. Concealed carry at work is essential to target hardening.
I agree that carry of firearms by employees may "harden" the target, but an armed nutjob intent on doing harm isn't deterred by others with guns. In this case the shooter fired as many as twenty shots, hit three others and then shot herself. That likely took less than thirty seconds.

There is no question in my mind that with so many controversial videos on YouTube and now YouTube taking political positions that it wasn't a matter of if but when and if it didn't happen with firearms it might have happened with something like a car bomb or even a wild machete wielding man for example.
Victim blaming doesn't fix the problem.

When you have no one armed on campus and a total lack of security you invite disaster.
Please cite your source that says there is no armed security or police presence on the YouTube campus.

I have no idea why anyone can walk around a controversial company like YouTube. It should have a huge fence around it with armed security, a police presence and access control along with a disaster plan and team.
1. I agree, I don't think you really have an idea.
2. Fences don't stop bullets.
There are several articles on the internet about underwhelming security at YouTube. I read an article where a reporter said you could just follow someone into places where you could swipe a card. I also read that employees were stampeding out of the building and that doesn't sound to me like a well rehearsed evacuation plan. Anyone can Google YouTube security and there are many articles out there on the topic. If someone can access the campus and freely wonder around that doesn't sound like much security at all.

I can't comment on the police response or other aspects because I have no way of measuring it at this point. I also have no idea if YouTube hired an army of security specialists. If the police were there in 2 minutes and again I don't know the exact time as we don't have access to official reports they obviously were not on the campus. I can call the police right now and they will be outside in minutes but that's too late. Anything can happen in minutes.

If there was security or a security plan in my opinion it doesn't appear it was very effective. No one is reporting on YouTube's overabundance of security but they are reporting on a lack of it.
Keep in mind that in corporate security you attempt to minimize risk and harden the target, but you cannot crime proof a facility. Often times the very people you seek to protect are one of your weakest links. I worked as an ES&H Manager for a major manufacturer and we had constant problems with employees allowing others to “piggy back” off of their access card. Quite honestly it is human nature to hold the door for the next person and let them enter, but how do you know they weren’t fired yesterday. Also, I remember having an evacuation drill and as the alarm sounded several employees simply sat at their desk somehow ignoring the noise and continuing to work.

I’m going to assume that a major corporation like this had the necessary procedures in place, but again you cannot guard against all incidents. Also, while arming employees might make sense it will never happen more because of liability issues than tactical ones.

Bottom line one may have to ask if communications between police could have been better as it appears the family did express concern about her mental state. Then just before this happened she was found sleeping in her car near the campus and several hours from her home. It might be difficult for a Patrol Officer to connect the dots, but it does appear this goes back to the very complicated issue of a mentally/emotionally disturbed individual and how do we as a society deal with them.
Actually in the Time article you linked it does have a statement on the ease of entering the buildings. If you look at some of the content on these websites it's easy to see why this open campus atmosphere was never a wise position to take. In this case this woman was an activist and the event sounds like it was related to content and actions of YouTube. I've seen very radical things posted on YouTube and I'm a bit shocked at how people can wonder around the campus freely. That's not how it is at similar Verizon, Canon or Nikon campuses. A Canon campus I saw had a large fence and what looked like a moat around it. I've seen pharma and drug corporations with gates and obvious security. Obviously this campus didn't have that style of security. A local company up here I can't even enter the parking lot without a guard eyeballing me.
I wanted to add there is a large corporate campus by me. There is a large fence surrounding it and every vehicle that enters is scrutinized. Once you get inside the campus all doors to the individual buildings are locked and when you enter after swiping in you are further scrutinized by guards at access points and there is a roving guard force. This is the type of closed campus I would expect YouTube to operate.
I worked as an ES&H Manager for a major manufacturer and we had constant problems with employees allowing others to “piggy back” off of their access card. Quite honestly it is human nature to hold the door for the next person and let them enter, but how do you know they weren’t fired yesterday.

Unless you work at a company/organization like the government Y-12 Oak Ridge facility where they handle nuclear material, I suspect most companies can have their security penetrated rather easily. The situation for liability is perverse where it is better for a company to be "gun free" than let their employees carry.
johnelmore There are several articles on the internet about underwhelming security at YouTube. I read an article where a reporter said you could just follow someone into places where you could swipe a card.
Unfortunately that's how locks work. If you have a key or keycard to open a door it doesn't prevent the keyholder from allowing half of China to walk in.

I also read that employees were stampeding out of the building and that doesn't sound to me like a well rehearsed evacuation plan.
Then you don't know much about evacuation plans. Oh wait....didn't you post above "#3. No evacuation plan or disaster drills. .."? Seems to me the YouTube employees knew EXACTLY when to shelter in place and when to evacuate the building. With an active shooter in the vicinity, DO YOU REALLY expect people to walk out single file in an orderly fashion? That's incredibly naïve.

Anyone can Google YouTube security and there are many articles out there on the topic. If someone can access the campus and freely wonder around that doesn't sound like much security at all.
Seriously, have you even looked at the map of the YouTube campus? If you had you wouldn't have written that statement.

I can't comment on the police response or other aspects because I have no way of measuring it at this point.
Yet you complained about the lack of security and emergency planning DESPITE not knowing a single thing about such.

I also have no idea if YouTube hired an army of security specialists. If the police were there in 2 minutes and again I don't know the exact time as we don't have access to official reports they obviously were not on the campus.
Obviously they WERE. Two minute response time for a 911 call means police officers were within a half mile.

I can call the police right now and they will be outside in minutes but that's too late. Anything can happen in minutes.
No kidding?
And what do you expect would be different unless YouTube or city police were stationed every 50yards? Guess what.....not one bank on my town of 300,000 has an armed guard standing in the lobby. Is that poor security? No, it isn't.

If there was security or a security plan in my opinion it doesn't appear it was very effective. No one is reporting on YouTube's overabundance of security but they are reporting on a lack of it.
The media reports on "lack of security" because they believe it the fault of the business or school when shootings occur.

I have news for you.........NO PLACE IS COMPLETLY SAFE.
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