Debunking Gun-Myth Propaganda


New member
This thread is meant as a response to the stickey thread regarding the Brady Campaign resource as they contain many of the same sources and discuss many identical issues. I belive it is equally important to make our own informational source readily available.

I have quite a few people that know where I stand on gun issues. I don't hide the fact that I'm pro gun, and I am open to discussing it with anyone who is interested. In fact, it is one thing that I will literally MAKE time for. I feel that anyone who considers themselves a gun-rights activist should take these conversations with outside individuals as a priority and recognize that many people do not get many chances to talk to well-educated, polite individuals about gun-rights and policy and are often "on the fence" so to speak. In my experience, the people who are "on the fence" due to a lack of information on the subject more often side with the anti-gun activists because it sounds good up front and it's easy to swallow without giving it much thought.

In these experiences, I have encountered curious people who just want to know more, people who readily become fellow enthusiasts, apathetics who could not care less, and stark opposers who label me as a gun nut. I have taken the time and more often than not, when I speak with the stark opposers and ask their reasons for opposition, I readily convince them of the folley of their reasoning; debunking the myths and propaganda that they've been fed by a great many sources. Well more than half of them have changed their minds after speaking with me about it.

One website in particular has helped me accomplish this and I often direct my new "friends" to the site to help them make up their own minds instead of just taking me at my word, (though I've often quoted verbatum from this site).
I know it appears a bit menacing with its 105 page content, but if you find that you are like me and often make yourself available to everyday individuals as a source for gun-rights information, which I consider a paramount endevour in the retention and advancement of our civil rights, then this website is a fantastik resource and will do you much good in your plight.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I swayed a fellow co-worker and will be taking him on his first range trip ever. As I usually tell people who are interested but inexperience, "The first trip's on me." I've always gotten go results with this tactic.
Any advice, stories, or techniques work well for anyone else "in the trenches" back here at home?

gunfacts is a great site. Another statistical site is .Awesome sources but some shaky reasoning. For people whose argument is "well I just think we shouldn't have guns" or some other emotional (read: not based in statistics or facts) reason, I find that many self-defense stories are good. Is the best site for those because they are all sourced and are presented as snippets without comments or propaganda.

For women: is awesome.

For the theoretical/philosophers, read majority decision in the Heller case (, Federalist Paper No. 28, 29, and 46. ( , , You can also find a lot of other papers written by the Founding Fathers making the argument for RKBA.
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