death threat on the net - what to do

On my board at my site someone decided to post "i will kill you"
well it was probably an anti gun person or maybe a kid but I'm not going to let them get away with it.
The FBI site doesn't accept email so who should I contact ?
Fortunately my Phorum logedd the time and their IP plus I have it in my log files as well. They are from AOL so it wont be easy to work out who, but it should be possible.
Mate, at best, this is appallingly bad taste; at worst, it must be a criminal offence.

Is there perhaps a Telecommunications agency you can report it to?? Or at least find out from them how you get to the FBI??

Please keep us posted on this. I'm sure someone on TFL will be able to assist.

RA: the first place to start is
They will advise you of where to go next.
Contacting the authorities will bring scrutiny of your system as well as the offenders, so plan accordingly. I would remove all personal records and e-mail from my system prior to contacting them to insure our right to privacy.Once your equipment is in their hands, it is all free information to them.
( I DO[/] have personal experience with this area, and yes, a customers server, along with complete data retention was retained as evidence in the case of a hack. I can't give details because the case is still on-going)

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I saw an inteview were aol was cooperating with law enforcement, so it will be no problem for the le's to get the info they need,,,now what they do with it, thats a different story.....hal had some good advice there.......cant stand that kind of scoundrel.....fubsy.
Be very persistant with AOL. I had a problem with my 10 year old receiving tons of smut mail (he never even used AOL once, the offenders targeted him because of his scr. name "adt10"). AOL pretty much laughed it off... so you have to keep at them until they help you. They can trace it back to the originator.

Put this person on your "buddy list" to see when he/she's online and see if he/she visits any chatrooms... you might be able to find out the vicinity of where they live by the rooms they frequent. More than likely it's just a kid messing around, but if not then you should do whatever you can. Our lives online are public enough, we don't need people getting away with this kind of stuff. IMHO.

Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Don't forget that condition Yellow and situational awareness applies to over the net too. The net is still something of a Wild Wild West. So keep your hands on your guns, partner. :)
Making a direct threat of death or GBH is a criminal offense, no matter what medium is used to convey the threat.

One point: IMO, it would NOT be a good idea to remove anything from your system. If the law cares enough to investigate, you will want to prove that you sent nothing that could be construed as provoking the threat.

Removing anything, no matter how innocent, could arouse suspicions. Of course, if you do have stuff you don't want anyone to see, it may be better to leave those sleeping dogberrys unawakened.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited August 09, 1999).]
The # for the local FBI office is in your phone book, so is the one for local law en
forcement. Let them deal with it.

Oops, I see you're in Australia, your reference to the FBI made me assume....yeah, I know. Anyway, I don't see a toll-free # for the FBI, I can give you the local one here if you want to start things rolling that way. In the meantime I'll see if I can find a toll-free #. motorep- thinking once, posting twice...

[This message has been edited by motorep (edited August 09, 1999).]

I'd be interested to know how you come out on this. I know of another person, a woman, who received a death threat from the net and the FBI told her (she reported) that there was basically nothing they could do. She did laud the agent she dealt with.

I think that is unacceptable, if true, and that is one system which definitely needs to be changed. I personally would take any death threat very seriously and report it wherever and whenever I could.

It shows you how far our society has slipped. In the "days of the old west" such a statement was grounds for shooting the threatening individual on sight--(gun control advocate) Wyatt Earp used that defense of his actions against the Clanton clan at Tombstone.
I can sympathise with your alarm at receiving that disturbing posting on your board.
I am wondering do you use the same screen name there as you do here.
It may well be an knee jerk reaction to your chosen handle.
And have nothing to do with you personally.

Consider using an alternate screen name for a short while, and put this persons ID on your buddy track his whereabouts.

I would not be alarmed presently unless, they recontact you, and provide information that they have intamite knowledge of your actual identity,location,etc.
And if they continue with the threats.
Then an escalation of your efforts may well be in order.

I remain at your disposal for any assistance, in the future. WOLF
I visited your forums to see if I could find the post, but I can't seem to. Did you remove it? I was interested to see what context it was in. Was it a response in a thread or just a post (troll maybe?)? Just curious, not that it makes much of a difference, a threat is still a threat.

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This is the only place i use rabbiit assassin on - on my board i use the boring webmaster-
i think its just an idiot posting who hates guns - they wouldn't even know I'm in Australia. No news from AOL yet but ill follow it up still.
I suppose ya cant turn that lemon around to lemonaide by requesting the right to carry as you have received a death threat?...fubsy.
RA: Thanks. After looking at the context and time posted (if thats OZ time, it would be early AM here). I think you're right. Some kid just surfing and looking for a mark. With the way things are today, I would still track it down.

Nice site BTW.
And for the record, I think a revolver is a better all around choice than a semi auto. If you can afford both, so much the better.
Want to feel your age?Check it out.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited August 11, 1999).]
I'm not sure but doesn't the Secret Service look into threats on the internet? Maybe one of our "Federal"leo members could tell us?

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