Dean...The Fix Is In


New member
Just saw on TV that Howard Dean is saying that since the race is so close between Obama & Hillary that there may be a need for negotiation to stop any damaging in-fighting. Other words, lets make a back room deal. No surprise, several times in history both the Democratic & Republican primary's have been short circuited by convention deals.

So, does this really mean who will accept the VP spot?

Or, will the candidates tell Dean to crawl back into his shelter and keep his trap shut?

The other part is of course who does McCain run best against. My view is he does best against Obama. At least he might have a chance to show he is actually to the right of Obama, with Hillary he looks about even or perhaps more some of us anyhow.

(I am getting a large bag of popcorn. This whole thing is better than watching a 50's SF movie).
I think McCain runs significantly better against Hillary than he would agains Obama. Her large negative 'like' factor and the Conservative dislike of Bill (when you vote for Hill you also get Bill) will bring in more votes for McCain (or any other Republican) than against Obama.
McCain is way behind Obama in the polls. Obama is extremely popular with younger voters and more importantly with independents. McCain does better against Hillary but he is still behind her in some polls. If the economy and Iraq get worse than McCain will lose. If Iraq is not an issue than that might help him. If the economy is the issue, which is a weak spot for McCain then he will lose. Right now I expect he will not win the general election.
The Democrats are facing a problem but not that big of a deal. I also believe that Hillary will do what McCain can't to get the Republicans to vote.

On one hand, if Hillary runs the Republican base will unite against her and the Democrats that don't want to see the soap opera of the Clinton years repeated will jump ship. Big risk however should the result be President Hillary.

Obama has Kennedy esqe appeal. He is inspiring to hear. He could very well win over people that vote heart only. He has a better chance, a MUCH better chance. And I think he would be more easily contained by Congressional forces then Clinton.

The old axiom 'Never underestimate the Democrats ability to lose.' Seems apropos here as their paranoia about causing party division and acting to stop it may be what causes the party division.
Obama has Kennedy esqe appeal.

Well it does seem that based on tonights wins Obama may have just tipped the scales in his favor. It looks like the next few states before Ohio & Texas are states Obama will do well. So, I am not a Dem, but it appears Hillary may be officially behind. How does Madam Secretary of Sate Oprah Winfrey sound?

Now that I read my statement, maybe I should have used the term officially losing and not behind in reference to Hillary....sorry.:D