Dealing with the Hi-cap ban...


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Dealing with the "Assault Weapons" and High Capacity Magazine Bans

You are born with a natural right of self defense. The right to keep and bear arms stems from this right and can only be limited
by a tyrannical and oppressive criminal government. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the
right of citizens to keep and bear arms by prohibiting the federal government from infringing upon this fundamental right. All
members of Congress and the President take an oath of office vowing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. In
1994 a majority of Congress and President Clinton ignored the Constitution, violated their solemn oaths and enacted the
Clinton Crime Bill, an unconstitutional law banning so-called "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines holding more than
ten rounds. Any politician who has demonstrated such disrespect of our rights and such utter disregard and even contempt for
our Constitution does not deserve to hold a position of public trust. Joining with angry gun-owning voters throughout the
country, the voters of Washington State's 4th Congressional district punished our Congressional Representative (Jay Inslee) for
his treachery by voting him out of office in November of 1994. We should do the same for other enemies of freedom and
liberty like Senator Patty Murray and President Clinton as soon as possible.

Your Militia Rifle. Semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines can no longer be made if they possess two or more
prohibited features (i.e. folding or telescoping stock, protruding pistol grip, bayonet mount, flash suppressor, threaded barrel,
grenade launcher). While the "assault weapons" ban did not outlaw sale and possession of military style firearms or magazines
made prior to September 13, 1994, it did prohibit further manufacture and new high capacity magazines must have a serial
number, date of manufacture and be marked "For Law Enforcement or Export Only." The Clinton Crime Bill has frozen the
available supply of military style rifles and high capacity magazines which are suitable for Militia use and artificially inflated their
price. If you do not already own a semiautomatic Militia rifle and a sufficient quantity of high capacity magazines, your goal
should be to acquire them now while they are still available.

Spare Magazines. How many spare magazines are enough? The answer is as many as you can afford and carry. The current
U.S. military basic load consists of six 30-round magazines in ammo pouches and one in the weapon. However, the last thing
you need to be doing in the middle of a firefight is to be loading magazines. Soldiers and Marines armed with the M-16 rifle in
Vietnam regularly carried 300-500 rounds in loaded magazines while on patrol. A British Royal Marine Captain after the 1982
campaign in the Falklands stated, "There are two things you need in your equipment: ammunition, food and more ammunition."
A British paratrooper in the Falklands started an attack with 14 20-round magazines for his 7.62mm NATO FN FAL rifle and
a sandbag slung around his neck containing a further 200 loose rounds and 200 rounds of belted 7.62mm machinegun ammo.
He spent most of the attack skirmishing forward on his belly, used all of his ammunition, and ended up rummaging through dead
Argentines' ammo pouches for spare FAL magazines. A one stop shopping source (with prices not terribly inflated) for legal
pre-ban high capacity magazines for the AR-15, Mini-14, AK-47, FN FAL, M-14, M-1 carbine, HK-91, and AR-180 is the
company Delta Force (P.O. Box 1625, El Dorado, AR 71731; credit card orders 1-800-852-4445; catalog requests

Post-Ban Military Style Rifles. The Clinton gun ban has also created a new class of firearm; the post-ban politically correct
assault rifle. The post-ban rifles can be recognized by such odd features as a thumbhole stock and their lack of a flash
suppressor or the dreaded bayonet lug. Pre-ban high capacity magazines may still be purchased and used in post-ban rifles.
Although nothing in the law allows such a view, some gun magazines have reported that the BATF has threatened to prosecute
anyone who uses a legal pre-ban high capacity magazine in a legal post-ban rifle (the Yakima BATF office denied this on
February 27, 1996). Since regulations interpreting the law and having the full force of the law are published by unelected
bureaucrats in the BATF, we are only one pronouncement in the Federal Register away from having more of our gun rights
stolen. Being in technical violation of federal firearms law could result in imprisonment or worse. Remember the Ruby Ridge
and Waco atrocities perpetrated by the BATF Gun Gestapo and Federal Bureau of Incineration. The best protection against
such an unconstitutional infringement of your rights by an out of control bureaucracy is to vote anti-gun politicians out of office
and replace them with statesmen who will repeal the ban and reign in federal law enforcement agencies, especially the BATF.

Self Defense Handguns. The Clinton Crime Bill also prohibited further manufacture of high capacity handgun magazines for
civilian sales. A .45 ACP or 9mm semiautomatic pistol with a high capacity magazine is highly desirable for Militia duty. High
capacity pistol magazines manufactured before September 13, 1994 are still available in limited quantities, but with higher
prices. Stock up while you can. Like the U.S. armed forces, the majority of law enforcement agencies have adopted high
capacity 9mm semiautomatic pistols. Since law-abiding citizens face the same adversaries as law enforcement officers, if
magazines holding more than ten rounds are needed for law enforcement, they are also needed for civilian self defense. Criminal
assailants are often are not alone; the words "muggers" and "looters" are plural and the word "gang" implies more than one bad
guy. Criminals are often anesthetized to the effect of bullets with drugs or alcohol, which requires you to shoot them many times
in defense of your life.

Overcoming the Magazine Limit. An article in the October 1995 "Handguns" magazine entitled "How to Beat the 'Rule of Ten'"
advises the following five strategies for living with the new ten-round magazine capacity limit: use a support weapon, use a
heavier caliber, use hotter ammo, carry multiple magazines, carry an extra handgun. A support weapon like a 12 gauge shotgun
or a 5.56mm rifle loaded with softpoint or hollowpoint ammo by far exceeds the stopping power of any handgun for home
defense. Using a heavier caliber means select something like a .45 ACP instead of a 9mm. Hotter ammo means you should
select the ammunition with the best stopping power (usually a light weight high velocity hollowpoint). Carrying extra magazines
or speedloaders and practicing quick reloading of your self defense handgun helps overcome the handicap of the magazine ban.
So can carrying a backup gun since the quickest reload is a loaded second gun. There are other strategies for dealing with the
ten-round limit. For over 150 years revolvers, especially powerful ones, have adequately served for police duty or citizen self
defense, but the average police officer hits an assailant with only one out of every four shots fired from a revolver.
Semiautomatics are easier to shoot than a double action revolver, which moves the average up to two hits for every three shots
fired. If you are worried about magazine capacity for your semiautomatic defense pistol, you already have a hit probability
advantage over a revolver, assuming you are properly trained. You should get professional training and plenty of practice to
become a better shot. More hits per round fired means that a high capacity magazine may not be required. You should also
alter your defensive shot placement from the center-of-mass (which is commonly taught) to the high chest or armpit level for
better stopping power.

An even better strategy than dealing with the high capacity magazine ban and the "assault weapons" ban is to get them repealed.
Write or call your elected representatives in Washington, D.C. and let them know that infringing your rights is intolerable and
demand repeal of the ban. Join and support gun rights organizations like the NRA, Gun Owners of America or the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Be sure to register and vote only for legislators and Presidential candidates
who will support your rights and respect the Constitution.[/quote]


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."