What is the best way to "de-gunk" a C&R firearm that has until recently spent a lot of years packed in some sort of cosmoline-type preservative? It is clean enough to be fired, but feels more like holding a cooked pork chop than a gun.
I take the entire thing apart and use a rag or papertowels to clean off as much gunk on the surface as possible, that cosmoline that looks like brown butter spread all over the place.
You can then take the metal parts and dump them in something like MP-7 (www.mp7.com) and leave it there. Take it out and then wipe off. Then, re-oil. www.makarov.com has a page that has a formula for a dunkit cleaner that you can make that you may want to try.
Might have to do a few times. May not be the best way, but it gets the crap off it. Try www.mosin-nagant.net It's a site that deals with C&R type arms and there are several forums as well as some information pages on cleaning restoring, etc.
[This message has been edited by KOG (edited July 12, 2000).]