De-fanging Guns


New member
Howdy all. I have several guns, both rifles and handguns, that have nasty sharp little edges that seem to nip my hands when I am working them fast. This includes the trigger and lever loop on my Model 94 and the trigger and hammer on my SP101 Ruger. What is the proper method for smoothing sharp edges? Also, what is the proper method for narrowing and polishing a revolver trigger? I have a Model 29 Smith with the wide serrated target trigger that I would like to convert to a smooth, narrow trigger. Would I be better off just buying a smooth narrow trigger and swapping it out? Is this a drop-in procedure or is there fitting involved? Thanks in advance for all information.
Frontlander, as a whole rounding off of sharp edges or "dehorning" is done by polishing. Normally when polishing a firearm to be refinished the gunsmith takes great care to prevent corners from being rounded. Dehorning is simply polishing without trying to keep the corners sharp. The items you've mentioned could be done fairly easily with a 1" belt sander. I'd use a 400 grit for the defanging and maybe a 220 followed by a 400 for smoothing and narrowing the trigger. These jobs could also be done by hand using files and emery or crocus cloth it would just take longer. 99% of the time replacing any part on a firearm will require some fitting. George