DCM/NRA Krag Sporter

Sea Buck

New member
I have just purchased a Krag Sporter that is supposed to be an early DCM/NRA sporter. Does any one have a discription of what they would look like ie:sights,stock,barrel. Also what is a Bannerman Krag.Maybe this is one?I would show pics but how do I do that?
I think some google work will help you.If you have found one,great for you!!!
Go easy on it with the loads.The one locking lug you have has some history of developing a crack .
If it is the real McCoy,it is quite valuable.
Bannerman was one of the early and biggest milsurp (all kinds) dealers in the country. Canteens to cannon, and more. Been gone for generations now.

A "Bannerman Krag" might be a specific model (although I've never heard of one before this) or it could just be any Krag sold by Bannerman's ovder the years. I'm afraid I don't know which. Sorry.