DC wants to ban guns

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What are they gona say??? "You better shape up or we will ban them again and make them more illegal." Yea, that's the ticket.:rolleyes:
Why not? I've heard of dozens of cases where lawmakers clamor around about making a new law to do X and then find out there were already cases of that law on the books that were ignored.

Banning guns is as intelligent as moving a Deer X-ing sign because you want the deer to cross elsewhere. All you will do is take those who obey the law and strip them of a right. Those who already break laws and disregard them will show just as much disdain for any new laws.

Law breakers don't say "Hey, I was going to rob this store, rape the women, kill the clerk and leave.......but I had better use a knife this time because guns are illegal"
Crosshair point may have been that guns are already banned in W.D.C.
if that was not his point well guns are already banned in Washington D.C. regardless of the fact of being a US citizen. you have to be a privileged class of US Citizen ie work in Mil/LE/Politician.

guns are also banned in Chicago Illinois. San Francisco came close to banning guns also.

Welcome to the USA the most Free country of the planet. your free to think your free, good luck exercising actual freedom lots of red tape and easy potential for metal bars.

no shortage of people exercising theyre right to be delusional. specially on inalienable rights
The city defended as constitutional its long-standing ban on handguns, a law that some gun opponents have advocated elsewhere. Civil liberties groups and pro-gun organizations say the ban in unconstitutional

The, uh, "city" is operating from a position of weakness, ie, they're being challanged for enacting a bogus law. That's the way it should be.

Mark54g: Law breakers don't say "Hey, I was going to rob this store, rape the women, kill the clerk and leave.......but I had better use a knife this time because guns are illegal"

I like that, now I have to find a place to share it.:)

Got it....that would make a neat bumper sticker.
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