DC is Politically Incorrect...long and rambling cuz I am pissed


Moderator Emeritus
I'll get some serious flack for this but tough, bring it on.

1) A bunch of acknowledged and known misfits ; some 20+ in number, went nuts and shot up a school. Remembering highschool, a closeknit group of 20+ like-thinkers does not escape some degree of attention.
2) Said misfits broadcasted threats and their brand of hate for ample time prior to their actions
3) Students of school state that said misfits had made threats
4) The police deny any prior knowledge of the existence of said misfits
5) School "authorities" apparently did nothing to avert said threats, and at this point in time, have not acknowledged awareness of threats.

OK, so given our current-day intrusive society, wherein almost any move one makes is known, why didn't the school, social welfare, child services, et al do anything prior to this incident? What about the parents? I'm a lot younger than many of you, but when I stepped out of line, I had no end of grief.
I went to a Catholic school until I began highschool....the nuns were not there to be my friends, they were my bosses. Sure I rankled, but I learned self-discipline. If I kept my mouth shut, they didn't invade my mind. They also taught personal responsibility for actions. I went to school with rich kids and poor migrant farm kids.

This new Colorado incident is going to bring a torrent of anti-gun fervor, so get ready and get prepared...
We are going to see what this society really is all about and exactly why this incident happened...and that is the underlying belief system and impulses that we have elected to govern us and enact legislation:
Outlaw (or restrict) an activity or object that is not inherently wrong in order to prevent harm before it occurs.

This type of legislation creates crime in order to prevent crime. English common law distinguished between 2 types of crimes: malum in se morally wrong crime like murder, rape, theft and malum prohibitum activities wrong because of legislative pronouncement.
We have ample malum in se laws and everyday enact more malum prohibitum laws in the interest of "public safety", and these laws are Federalized. That means, that the act of "malum in se" is less than the act of "malum prohibitum"....meaning, the fact that I shot you is less wrong than the fact that I had the means to shoot you. This translates to: laws that criminalize innocent action in order to prevent crime before it occurs presumes guilt before the fact. Such laws operate on the principle that the conduct of criminals dictates the range of liberty that the society in toto may have. In short, a society that accomodates itself to crime.
This leads to, and we have all seen it, making personal responsibility irrevelant...there is more horror and evilness that I killed you with a gun than the fact I killed you at all.

This is all in the interests in safety, but, how can the world be made safe if we continue to make responsibility irrelevant?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC Political correctness is an oxymoron!

Continue being incorrect politically. It shows you have not succumbed to the sheeple mentality.

Paul B.

Hate? Scan through some of the chat areas that teens would likly visit. Music rooms are good ones. You will be absoulutly appalled by the hate you find. Guns,bombs, weapons of any kind aren't the problem. Pure hatred is. I don't usually preach a relgious line, but the original "What hath God wrought" keeps playing in my head.It isn't about gun control, it really has gone so far beyond that. The new doctrine is hate for the sake of hate. God may have wrought it, but evil has a big stake in it.

DC: Ya got a reason to be PO'ed, as much as any other sane human being.

If that's "rambling" then the rest of us are plumb incoherent. You are so right...we have come to despise the thought of blaming the individual, and continue to blame groups, society or communications input.

I have come to believe that society's inability to look to the *parents* in these tragedies, derives from the same source as it's inability to see Government as something other than a well meaning parent. I don't want to get to Freudian (Jungian?) here, but this gross misperception has been relied upon by personalities from Stalin to Clinton.

It is how they seek, obtain and retain ultimate power over our lives. Please wake up, America!!!
(Ok, I'm done preaching to the choir.)
I have to disagree. For those of us who watched our cities burn in the 60's, the opportunity (and manifestation) of hate abounded on all fronts. Yet we didn't see the type of abberrations we see in incidents like Colorado.

When we blame the internet, Hollywood, video games or comics, we play right into the anti's hands. People like Schumer, Feinstein and Brady may *think* they'll be satisfied when society is disarmed...they won't be. The First Amendment will promptly become the "new" enemy, poisoning the kids we refuse to raise.

Clinton has floated this trial balloon several times in his comments about "hate radio", "hate crimes", etc. And his message is gaining popularity with each of these tragedies.
No flack here, lady. This is a tough one all around. The only sorta positive I can add is that the DC area commentators have been pretty even on not blaming guns, several even saying that since the plethora of exisiting laws made no difference, it is senseless to enact more. Doesn't mean that the whiner/weiners won't try though.

I'm sure there will be many in denial over what these 'sick puppies' did and will try to absolve them of what they did, blaming everything previously mentioned but the sorry sick sh*tz themselves, but IMHO, while I won't argue that they aren't sick, I would also say they are self infected. There is clearly a serious deficit in upbringing, enculturalization and values transfer that allows these wankers to wallow in all that crap. While kids are curious and easily swayed, when there's no oversight, things get weird fast. It wil be REAL interesting to hear what the parents of these animals have to say for themselves - (any bets on how often it will include 'I didn't know' or 'I couldn't control him'?)

DC, I think we all be pissed on this one. M2
Ditto. It's got to be one of the most frustrating things that we face.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Ed - it is always a good day to buy ammo...

If they are wanting FEEL GOOD solutions tht have little to do with results - lets ban MORTAL KOMBAT video games... not all games... just MORTAL KOMBAT or creat a list of ASSAULT FEATURES and they can only have 2 at a time...

Or maybe...


Rich: I don't blame the media or the entertainment industry for creating the current state of things. I do blame them for promoteing it though. Violence is good for business for them. On the other hand, if I as a parent saw my kids' Web site glorifying Hitler, my kid would have a lot of 'splainin to do. Course how many parents even know about their kids' Web sites? Where are the parents when their kids are n these chat rooms spewing hate? Why is some kid in a chat room at 3 in the morning on a school night? The bottom line is personal responsibility. A lot of media and entertainment people , as well as the parents and the politicians should ask themselves what they have done to promote this attitude.