DC Gun Buy-back


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Cash-for-Guns Program Gets Boost
WASHINGTON, Aug 25, 1999 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- District of Columbia police more than doubled their budget for getting illegal guns off the streets by buying them and still spent nearly all of it the second day of the program.
Police said 1,058 guns were turned in Tuesday at police stations throughout the city, including handguns, sawed-off shotguns and assault rifles, all of them illegal in the District of Columbia.

Most of the guns turned in on Monday and Tuesday did not come from criminals, police said, and 57 of them were not paid for because they are legal under the district's law.

Catherine Gilbert of Silver Spring, Md., was among several elderly women who participated in the program. ``I inherited the gun. I've got no need for it. I don't want it in my house,'' she said.

Many who turned in guns were from suburban Maryland and Virginia. They included one collector who handed over more than two dozen guns. Police put no geographical limits on the program, saying guns from other areas can easily be used in the district.

Police are paying for the $225,000 program with money and assets collected from drug dealers. Assistant Police Chief Terrance Gainer said the department collects about $800,000 in such funds annually.

Police originally allotted $100,000 for the program but decided to add more money to it Monday, when they collected 1,164 guns.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press, All rights reserved.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

Most of the guns turned in on Monday and Tuesday did not come from criminals

'nuff said.

Compromise: opting to be sodomized with a 36"
Black Mamba wrapped in 200-grit sandpaper instead
of 100-grit.
What a waste of money! Even if it was confiscated money, surely the MPDC could have found a more rational use for it. We Americans seem to spend a lot of time these days finding new ways to behave stupidly.
My wife and I just had to laugh as we watched this on the local news. Most of the people in line were over 50 yrs old and so were the guns. There were some good guns turned in, I saw what looked like a S&W Centennial, a few M1's, some scoped hunting rifles. But most of them were pure junk. The news reporters would interview some of the people in line and give their names in large print on the screen. We could just see some gang members taking good notes on which houses would be safe to hit later on.

They just don't get it.
Just heard on CNN, the DC cops are checking the gun for any criminal past. and maybe going after the idiot who turn in their gun for any wrong doing other then the DC handgun law, because there is a amnesty for that. Sounds like bunch commies looking educated people and killing them after they found them. what a country.

Fight for our rights and keep this country great.

May i paraphrase the Bible when I say that"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" The american people have proven themsleves not very knowledgable. Like i have been saying. Maybe its forty years of Floride in the Sheeples water!
Using cash confiscated from drug raids to strip firearms from civilians, eh? Rather humorous in a very ironic way.

In the immortal words of G. Gordon, 'oh ye suckers!!'.

I read about this first on PointCast, and there it was reported that the take included a '$30,000 Luger'. Now, if true, I wonder if the DC politicos / LEO's are so foolish that they will melt that gun down as well. Or, are they bright enough to actually suspend their political correctness long enough to profit on that little 'commodity trade'? Perhaps they should ask Hillary for advice on that deal - she has a knack for commodities ... ;)
If it weren't for the political fodder it provides the anti's, this would be pretty pathetic. Mal had it right, most of the folks turning guns in were older, many of the guns were junk, you sure didn't see any gangbangers in that line. A few said they had young kids in the house and just didn't want a gun around. I can sort of understand that, but most of would rather have a $100 that a rusty old gun that they don't know how to use. It is also rather ironic that there are so many guns in a juristiction where they are illegal, and the law makes otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals for merely wanting the means to defend themselves from real criminals.

OTOH, it's sad to think that so many have so little regard for their personal safety. The DC police dept is among the most inept in the country. One would be far wiser to take responsibilty for one's own safety rather than trusting those bozos. 'Suckers' is right. M2
How about giving confiscated drugs for guns!. Maybe this would get the guns out of the hands of druggies who use them to commit felonies.

Naw, then they would be robbing homes for guns to turn in.

Geoff Ross
Geoff. LMAO! Hmmm, if the law-abiding citizens receive illegal drugs in exchange, then once received, they are criminals in possession of contraband. Then the police will have an excuse to arrest those dangerous lunatic gun owners.

I think if I'm ever disarmed, I will go be a robber in the D.C. area - may as well be a full-fledged criminal in that case, as the gov't would be making me one anyway by the anti-gun legislation, as I won't voluntarily comply with any disarmament. It would be a cinch since most will be disarmed. And if I get caught - well the up side is three squares; down side is the daily "boofing" from your "boyfriend". You know the criminals just sit back and laugh about how soft their targets are getting when they hear about gun turn-ins.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 30, 1999).]
About a month ago, Salt Lake City had a similar buy back program. $100 for any gun, no questions asked. The upside is that they only netted two guns, one of which was a BB gun. The downside is that if the gun had been used in the commission of a crime, the police destroyed the evidence without ever checking it out.
I'm just a little curious about the report that the DC police are going to "test" all the firearms that were turned in to determine if they were used in a crime.
Since these guns were acquired under a policy of "no questions asked" what value is there in finding out if they were used illegally or not? If they don't know who turned in the piece then how can they connect them to a crime and prosecute? And even if they could, wouldn't their original offer imply that no penalties would arise from the turn-in? Wouldn't this violate the individual's 5th Amendment rights and be viewed as a form of entrapment, leading to a dismissal of charges?
I think this idea to test these firearms is just an P.R. effort to recover from the charge that criminals often dump guns used in crimes during these buybacks.
They should have given these morons "GUN FREE ZONE" signs to proudly display outside their residences,to ward off criminal activity, after they turned in the firearms.

I know we shouldn't get into Bible quotations, but here is one from Obadiah 7, "... the men who were at peace with thee have deceived thee..."

Deception flourishes in our government, its policies, and its implementations of policy.

It's time for a change.

Real Americans vote their conscience, not their fears.
Those who generated this gun buying effort are typical of the liberal feel good element in this country. They are the kind of people who revel in the plea: "Even if it would save only one life, wouldn't it be worth it?" (The rational answer to which is usually, "no.") Passing a gun buying program, to them, is like a religious experience. They take it on faith that even the most impractical process will produce the desired outcome. It doesn't matter that they've passed a bad law or implemented a stupid measure, purely the act of passing it or implementing it makes them feel better! Gun buying programs have never and will never work, but it makes people think that at least something is being done.

As we all know, most of the problem is that the current laws are not enforced, and that the criminals themselves aren't being punished. The rest of the problem is the simple fact that criminals, by definition, DO NOT obey the law and do not use the gun buying programs. Fact is, they love these programs...Less chance of being blown away by the honest citizen that needs to protect HIS OWN LIFE! These gun buying programs mean nothing to thecriminal; they will only affect the law abiding - which aren't the problem as they are the ones who aren't committing the crimes.

NUF SAID about the do-good liberals of our society. Better quit and go out and run a few rounds through my trusty .44 to bring down my blood pressure!

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.