DC and other CA residents


New member
A thread was started over on AR15.com where the original poster (in AZ) asked "How can you stand living in California".
The flames were kept to a reasonable level, but they do not seem to understand that this is where we live and why we don't just move to a place where we are more "FREE". I would like to get your reasons for why we stay since you are so eloquent. Thank you.
As I drove back from a seminar today I thought about this particular subject. My conclusion is that although I have loved friends that reside there, I couldn't take it. However, rather than encourage them to exit with their beliefs and history, I think any Californian should if they choose, stand their ground. I honestly hope many of you do. I say this in the hopes you are stronger than me in my imagination. If you have a history there, I hope you stay. Remember the Alamo. Reinforcements aren't far off this time.
My, the pressure is on ;)

I'm thinking and editing my 849pg tome

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Howdy I'm new here,was this individual named Chris something?There was a guy over at the AK 47 Net that started a three day flame war with anyone who would talk to him.He started making threats on the board then started personel e-mail threats till he got banned.To tell you the truth thats why I stopped in here,I'm trying to find a nice peacefull place to talk guns.Hope I'm welcome here.I'll try to mind my manners,Thx.
Relax and sit a spell Marcus...this one won't get out of hand. Have fun and welcome.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Thanks DC just one question while I sit and relax I have to ask what is all that Latin I keep seeing?Secret handshake(lol)kinda thing?
"You can run, but you'll die tired." Slogan on Sniper T-shirt.

More seriously there are many reasons why we stay. Some of us are not that mobile. When you're well vested into your retirement system and your house will be paid off about the same time, moving is not an option unless you want to add on another 10 years of work.

Family commitment. Spouse, kids, parents won't be happy. Not everybody is single and mobile.

Just brain dead. Who cares what the government is doing? Ya going to watch the game on Sunday? What's on the tube? Our indigenous crop of couch spuds is regularly supplemented with imports from other states.

Then, there are those of us who just enjoy the lifestyle. Great food in the major cities. Good music whether you like jazz, blues, rock, country/western, rock, punk, classical, etc. Hi-Tech with silicon valley in the SF Bay Area and the new Sony Showplace in SF. Great recreation. You can Ski today and scuba by the beach tomorrow.

And yes, then again there are those of us who are like G-Freeman who refuse to give in and will stay in the firing line for freedom!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

There's a very old thread entitled something like "Latinism" here at the General Discussion Forum. Unearth it and take your place among the illuminati of TFL.

By the way, initiation is a case of rifle or handgun ammo (not 22) at the next get together.

4v50 Gary

de haretico comburendo

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If you are of scientific or naturalist bent, you'll understand this reasoning:

God created California, The Template and he saw that it was good....then God created the earth from The Template.

That above statement encompasses alot, Cali has it all in the ecological sense. I could expound and bore most of you to tears.
Cali is home, my home, my domain, my birthplace and birthright. I adore this state, this mass of land, this wonderful mix of ecology, biology and geology. Its mine. No one takes whats mine and I won't be run off. I own land, I was raised here, bleed and sweated here, my parent's ashes are here, my son was born here, its mine. It will be his.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I love California, except for the commi's in sac. There are good reasons to pickup and leave, but the Gun Clmiate isn't one of them. I live in the Silicon Valley, raise for 20 years of the 21 years I've lived, and go to school in the valley. The valley is the best place for me to pursue the feild I wish to have a career in, so leaving is not an option

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
I understand DC's and other folks passion for California. If there is any state that has it all, it's CA. I spent a great deal of my youth in CA, you can't be in a Marine Corp family and not spend a lot of time in CA. The state has true beauty - mountains, valleys, seashores beyond belief. Pick up any Ansel Adams book and you'll start to understand. And it has fantastic golf courses. And weather, ah yes the weather! I remember a bad winter when it got down to 50 in Coronado, shiver. The state has a lot of fascinating history. One of my most favorite classes was California History in the 4th grade, and oddly enough, I still remember a lot of it.

Now, a lot has changed in CA in the last 20 or so years and none of it is good. It all relates to politics and there is enough written on that in these pages so I won't go there. But I am not going to let it detract from my good memories of California.
Why on earth would I want to leave coastal Northern California. It's perfect here. From Monterey to Crescent City, God did His BEST work here.

The only thing that might prompt me to move is the ever growing population density. But if I did move, I'd move north to Eureka, CALIFORNIA. Gorgeous country up there.

Being born & raised in California (with a C), everywhere else out-of-state I've lived & visited has been OK for a short spell, but like the old saying goes, "I wouldn't want to live there."

No offense to the other 49.

Why do I choose to stay in California? What are the alternatives? Nowhere else can compare.

Just one of the Good Guys
I lived in California for more than a year and put more than 70,000 miles
on a motorcycle while I was there. I loved that beautiful state.

More importantly, it is home to many people. DC put it eloquently.

Our "representatives" exist to make our homes and lives less dangerous
and more inhabitable than we could achieve as individuals. That includes
freedom from certain evils and freedom to make our own choices and
enjoy the results (or suffer the consequences) of our choices.

Unfortunately, too many of us are too busy with our families, jobs, etc. to
participate in the representation process. Therefore, the current plague of
representatives is rife with those who would “rule” us rather than
“represent” us. Like any other plague, such parasitic rulers must be
eradicated. We do it by voting them out of office.

We should remember that California is not the problem. The California
state government is only leading the way for the rest of America. There is
no place to move to; no place safe from the current effort of government
to control us.

Before we denigrate California voters, remember that the parasites
pre-select the candidates nationwide and we continue to vote for our
“parasite of (their) choice”. Therefore we all continue together down the
slippery slope into subservience. Proof? All of us are less free than we
ever have been in America.

Unless and until we select candidates from parties other than those who
continue to steal our freedoms, we will continue to have our freedoms
stolen. There’s no “mystery” here.

If we continue to do what we always have done,
we will continue to get what we’ve always gotten.

Skunks will continue to stink, and the Democrats and Republicans will
continue to enslave us.

The only mystery is why we continue to permit it, advocate it, and even
actively pursue it.

Look to California and see our future.
I lived in the Oceanside (Camp Pendleton) part of California during the Golden Years of
1968-1988, when it could still be spelled with a "C".

I bailed in '88 when the trend became apparent to me, no matter how I voted, (always Third Party). It wasn't just gun control, it seemed your freedom was being squeezed from all points of the compass.

I went back on a visit a few years ago, and it truly was a "You can't go home again" experience. Bummer, but I still have great memories.

As mentioned above, Kalifornia is the trend-setter, which is why I have turned rabid
regarding gun control. All of us are going the same way, and I'm trying my damndest (as we all are) to first, stop the drift, and then reverse it.

Dennis' quote, "Proof? All of us are less free than we ever have been in America." is a tool I have been using lately in my Letters to the Editor. I just had a 350-worder published locally. I asked if you felt freer 20 years than today or 10 years ago, etc. If you answered "No", then you should be against more gun control.

I pointed out to the fence sitters that laws that only affects the other guy "so why should I care?" have a nasty way of affecting everybody.

i.e. mandatory Trigger Locks means at some point the police will be empowered to enter your house and make sure you are in complaince, as they do now in Australia. Connecticut's "Turn in Your Neighbor" law
opens up any non-gun owner to a raid sponsored by a vindictive ex-, neighbor, co-worker, etc. ("He's got a gun with no trigger lock", for instance.)

That particular quote may be effective in at least causing the fence sitters to pause and wonder.

I have used Kali as an example of what the "it can't happen here" syndrome leads to.

I wish you folks in Kali all the best. We have a steep hill to climb, but you all are facing Mt. Everest.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Interesting thread. As usual, my fellow TFLers are thinking many of the same things as I am. My thoughts about California are very similar to DC's. I am a native and live in a beautiful, unconjested part of Northern California. However, my business regularly takes me to eight western states (NV, OR, WA, AK, HI, ID, & MT), and I am constantly shocked by the differences in cultural values in these states as well as significant differenses in their states legislatures. I never really thought much about leaving CA until recently. For now, I will stay and continue to fight the good fight. However, the lazy masses, and the state legislature is getting pretty tough to take. I really don't want to be a martyr for civil disobedience and bankrupt my family in the battle, but am very fed up. I just don't know what to do (much unseen hand wringing). I should probably re-read my *.sig

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
DC: Wow. You're cool!

This ia a tough thread. I was lured to CA in the early eighties because of a change in career. I moved from the mountains of Colorado. (Slap forehead REAL hard).

I wasted a year in the hills above the valley (San Fer) before taking a great opportunity in silicon valley. We moved to Pacifica and thought we found a little piece of heaven.

Then the walls started moving in...slowly.

The first freedom I saw go was my ability to ride my bagger without a helmet. I actually stored my bike for two years without riding. Became an activist.

Then we bought some land and started plans for building a house. Two and a half years later....well let's just say I ended up on the planning commision and my wife had to slip into local politics as a result of all the "freedoms lost" regulations we had to plow through, just to break ground. Became an activist.

Then there was the gun laws. Became an activist.

Then you start to notice the attitudes of the people around you...(I guess the best way to spot a liberal). Really became an activist.

Hats off to you guys making it out in the boonies in CA. Unfortunately, I need to work in the aerospace industry to pay for my gun collection!

Tired of being an activist.

5 years now in Arizona does wonders for the head and the heart.

I hope I don't live long enough to be an activist here.


[This message has been edited by Dago (edited December 17, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Dago (edited December 17, 1999).]
Great thread, up to top!

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
You beat me again ernest2.

As they say there is strength in numbers and as Kali lets in any and all emigrants who care little for a Second Amendment written over two hundred years ago and just vote for the candidate most likly to support them and governors to oppose voter approved laws against them, there will be a slide into oblivion that is near inevitable out here in KA.

I think it is good for strong gun owners to leave this commie state and go to pro gun state and fight with your brothers to keep it free. As for kali there is little more to do then talk of the good old days and how bad its getting today.United we will stand, divided we shall fall.

Went to LAST great western last weekend, and heard its next show will be in Vegas. I'll be there supporting that state. Why should I give a red cent of my money to this NAZI state? To futher it's goal of making me completley dependent on the state and big comrade? To pay for select fire weapons that might be used against me when I decide to excercise my rights? Or when I fail to knuckle down and register all my evil toys.
When I was in high school there were about 4 more gun shops in my area today there are almost none, and that's only if you count wally world and big 5 as gun shops. Many of the sellers at the show said they were getting out, its getting impossible to do business in this state. The gun industry is making a mass exodus of this state.

As a moderator once said on this forum "you have to know how to pick your battles and I think the one for Kali is nearing signature signing in a box car somewhere.[see WWII History when the krauts took over the frogs again and want their surrender to be signed]

Been here since summer of 68 and could deal with it had it been the same as 87, but it's gone too far with too few people giving a damn, so I will salute you brave souls who stay when I get a chance to leave [if ever.]

Would the last American to leave Kalifornia grab the flag on the way out. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 18, 1999).]
Ditto to all the above. I'll be damned if I let a bunch of Nazis drive me from my chosen home. I'm sure they'd love for all of us freedom lovers to leave this state in their hands.

I'm staying and I'm going to try to make them leave!