Dashcam and Bodycam of Pasadena,TX Officer Shooting

During a routine traffic stop, a motorist pops out of his car and draws a handgun on the officer. The link below shows first the dashcam of the event and then the officer's bodycam. I thought it was good fodder for this forum because it illustrates a few ideas we discuss (video shows dashcam first, then bodycam)

1. First, it all develops very rapidly. Most of the important decisions are made before the guns ever come out.

2. Despite starting the scene with his head in his iPhone, the officer quickly picks up on body language and attitude and responds decisively.

3. The officer makes good use of cover and concealment. The motorist does not.

4. Despite being shot in the upper torso almost immediately, the motorist remains a lethal and mobile threat for some time.

But the 2 camera view was very enlightening.

The sad part about this is it is very unlikely the guy pulled over would have suffered as bad a fate if he hadn't done a very foolish thing.
It would be useful to know how many times the shooter was hit before he was no longer a threat. This certainly shows that carrying a weapon with a higher ammunition capacity is a good idea. It also shows that a life threatening encounter does not always happen up close.

The response time of the officer, and his ability to keep his head shows he was well trained. It also shows that police officers have little margin for error when it comes to lethal force.
Man, that officer was quick to notice the guy was hinky and got behind his car door fast. Darn good shooting, too. I think he should have hit the guy again when he stood up after the first hit when showing the gun, but he may have been maneuvering around to the back of his patrol car at the time? Anyway, that is one heads up officer and what the heck was that driver thinking? He obviously came out of the car with his pistol already drawn and behind his leg. Was he drunk/stoned? Was a fugitive? At any rate, he was ready to kill the officer the moment he stopped. Glad this was a video showing the officer doing the right thing at the right time and not too late.
few interesting things.

First, That's a great demonstration of the terrifying knockdown power of regular police duty ammunition.

I don't know if I saw any but two actually hit the guy, the first, then one as he crossed again.

I am almost positive that he did fire a shot just before going down. There seemed to be smoke from the discharge.

Wino walked across the corner when the stop occurred, still strolling across the parking lot with his eyes on the ground while the gunfight was going on.

Car pulled up as the stop was taking place, then backed away and left as the shooting started. good presence of mind. Did he report in as a witness later, or did they have to hunt him down from his tag number.

The reaction to being shot wasn't what one would expect, he sort of flinched, staggered around, fell, threw his feet up? That isn't what one normally expects, I would have thought that he was just stoned.

those shots couldn't have possibly been aimed or controlled. He fired in four shot volleys, but as far as I can tell, only made two hits. I've seen several shootings like this, i don't recall seeing anyone shoot that rapidly.
In the second video did y'all see the cop shoot his patrol car about 1:40?

I saw that and I wonder if he had actually fired through the glass to tag the guy rather than having to break cover to put him down. I know a lot of people who would have loved to see a few more rounds put in as he lay there, just to make absolutely certain that he didn't manage to get another shot off.

That was actually a very helpful and "teachable" event. The cop did a lot of things right, it demonstrated that seconds are all that it takes for an event to take place. literally seconds from the time the officer opened his door until the guy was stretched out.

In all seriousness, that reminded me of the old stereotype of the western gun fights. Not high noon quick draw, but a choreographed fight. I would have actually thought that it was faked.
It looked to me like the first shot hit him in his shoulder or maybe upper left corner. The one where he goes down had much better placement.
If he missed he wasnt missing by much. notice the drivers window didnt get any hits. I would hazard a guess that most of the shots went lower than center mass.
And 10 rounds is definitely not enough for any defensive situation.