"Danish Issue" or regular service grade CMP garand?

steve j

New member
I'm getting ready to purchase an M1 garand from the CMP. Both the "Danish Issue" service grade and the regular service grade are $400. Is one preferred over the other? If so, why?

For what its worht: I 've gotten both a service issue and danish M-1 this year. My service one is a 1964 arsenal rebuild, Springfield manufacture, throated out to 1.5. Excellent gun.

My Danish is a Springfield, with no Italian parts. The only way I know its danish i by the serial number stamped on the lower part of the butt stock and a zero sticker inside the stock written in Danish. The gun throats out to 2.0. its also an excellent gun.

The service grade was sent to me, and you get what they send you, its a chance draw. The goes for the danish unless you go to the national Match and get to pick one of eight on the table, which is what I did.

Either one can result in a very good gun.

Buy both and then there's no worry :-) One Garand is not enough!
