Dan Wesson Pistol Pack


New member
I just got back from the gun show . My local dealer that I do most of my bussness with had a Dan wesson 357 pistol pack.
he told me that it was on consinment and thought it had been shot very little.
It had all the goodies, all 4 heavy barrels Vented, differant front sights, all the tools and came in the original case which was yellow colored and looked like it was made for luggage.
On close inspection the pistol looks like it has not be fired. This piece was in like new condition. the blueing was unmark and a beautiful
deep blue. All the barrels were in the same like new condition. He is asking $425.00 for the lot. I am not looking for this pack but never pass up a good deal. What are your opinons???


That price is good but not a steal. The pistol pacs never sold very well, for the simple reason that most folks never got into the barrel swapping idea. They put on a barrel they liked and left it there. In fact, the "pacs" were done up so nicely that many owners did just what that one may have done. They left them unfired and went out and bought an S&W to shoot.

Assume this is a Model 15.
DW's have earned their reputation for accuracy out of the box and longevity in the field. Unfortunately their resale value doesn't fair as well.
Check the place of manufacture first. If it's Monson, Mass or from the new management in New York the quality will be there. If it was made in Palmer, Mass. check it very closely. The guns produced in Palmer were for the most part as good as the rest but they did let some clinkers out. Judging from your description of the bluing I'd bet it's from the Monson era.
If you are indeed interested I would recommend an offer of $375 cash and see what happens.
Take Care
freind of mine just bought a .357 pistol pack it was in the condition you described with same case ,he paid 300 dollars even on consignment,we gave his a wringing out a couple of weeks ago with all four barrels,it shoots allright but nothing to brag about,grips suck, trigger really sucks,and you had to readjust the sights every time you switch barrels,I wasnt impressed ,I can see why the resale is so low ,they do not hold a candle to a smith and wesson.
I have a model 15 blued with the 2 inch barrel. Mine was made during the Monson era. I love this little pistol. It is by far the best shooting revolver I have ever owned. Yes, the trigger could be better, but no 2 inch barreled S&W I have owned could compare to the accuracy of this 2 inch barrel.

Some day I will purchase a 4 inch barrrel for it and see how that goes.

What I really want now is a 6 inch DW .44 for hunting deer!
I agree with Glockster35, the DW's that I have shot have been very well made and very accurate.
redneck5 it is a given that you would have to reset the sights after changing to a differant size barrel.
The one I am looking at is was made in Monson, Mass. Also the trigger on this piece brakes very nice.With some Polishing and some springs change
I think it would be Extremely light and smooth.
I working on getting him down below 400.00 if I can then I'll pick it up. And put it in may safe.

Thanks for the info

DW Pistol Paks

Any time you guys see a DW Pistol Pak for under $425, call or e-mail me! I could use another one!

Well, actually, I don't have a Pak -- I made my own. After buying a 8"V Mod 15-2, I bought a 4"VH and 6"VH barrel and shrouds for mine. Total investment ~ $375. That's for just three barrels, and was 12 years ago!

BTW, My DW is a Palmer, Mass version. I love the trigger. The rear sight has some probs, but I'm looking to replace it with a Millet anyway...
Before the BATF shut our local indoor range down for being a friend to the NRA and not having the proper paper work done, a fellow left a pistol pack on consignment for $350. It did not have the case/box. After 4 months, it did not sell.