Dan Wesson 357 Magnum


New member
Found one at a gun shop, has 6in Vent-barrel, extra 2in. barrel, 4 power scope. It is in 95% condition. I can get this for 225.00 is this a good deal! How is this gun for reliably, accurate,dependable. Please let me know. Nickster!
I have had two in the past. Both were made by the original company. The .357 was an 8" VR HB. The other was a .44 8" VR. They were two of the most accurate revolvers I have ever owned. I shot them in IHMSA silhouette matches in the early 80's. I also shot the .44 in bowling pin matches with good results. I was able to get a better DA pull with that DW than I could with my M29 S&W.
Blue book would be around $275 --> $300 for the revolver with an extra barrel and shroud.

Used scope, and I assume mounts, could be $50 --> $100, depending on what it is.

If it doesn't come with the take down wrench, remember you'll have to spend about $25 to get one.

I currently own two. Very accurate and reliable.

Good Luck...


I have a 357 Vent SS 4 barrel pistol pack that was bought around 15 years ago. The gun is very accurate. I mounted a scope on the 8 inch shroud and re-sight it just before each hunting season. The nature of the grip is good for whittling down a blank to get one that fits smaller hands.

I've never been too happy with the DA trigger, but then again, I've never taken it to a 'smith either. My only other complaint is the lack of aftermarket items like factory-type replacement grips (Hogue, etc.) Those are the only drawbacks I can think of.

As far as price is concerned, it sounds reasonable to me. Welcome to the Dan Wesson family? ;)


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society
Nickster -
This is off the current subject but last July you mentioned that you had picked up a .40 S&W pistol by Republic Arms of South Africa. I'm considering buying one also. What do you think of this pistol and have you learned any more about Republic Arms since July - I can find nothing about the company! E-mail me if you wish. Thanks