Dallas News

No, it isn't legal to rob a bank if you are unarmed...

It just means that they cannot charge you with "armed" robbery. They will still have plenty of other charges to hit you with, and if convicted, you will still do a long time in prison.

People have been sent to prison for robbing a store using only their finger as a "weapon". They only thing different when they got to court was the actual words on the charges. Procedure and penalties were the same as if they had had a gun.
It is just an example of how messed up our legal system is..

along with how poor some newspaper articles are written.

in my state of S.C. our politicians 'had' to make a separate law that made it illegal to kill some one during a robbery while going to or coming from hunting or fishing...

Also, I think most prosecutors charge you with armed robbery if you 'imply' you are armed.