Daley Claims Credit for Allowing Handguns In Chicago

From: http://www.chicagonewscoop.org/daley-tries-to-combat-perception-of-rising-crime/

(This is the same reporter that Daley pointed a firearm at and threatened during a press conference by the way):

“I understand some Chicagoans want to be able to keep guns in the home, and I listened to them,” he said.

But Daley also moved away from gun control, emphasizing that the causes of violence are “many.”

Is that just the biggest disconnect from reality you've ever seen? The Suipreme Court forces you to stop violating the Bill of Rights and you take credit for listening to your constiutents concerns?

This would be like George Wallace saying "I understand some Alabamans would like to end segregation and I listened to them." It was so bizarre I just had to share.
It was so bizarre I just had to share.

Yeah. Not much politicians spew forth surprises me a great deal any more, but Daley's effort to take credit for "allowing" guns in Chicago is all the way over to the right on the bravo sierra meter. His integrity meter needle flopped all the way to the left, broke off, and hit the floor decades ago.

That reminds me, in a roundabout way, of the old joke about the man who's convicted of killing his parents -- and who then begs for leniency on the grounds that he's a poor orphan... :p
you must remember that election time is drawing near in illinois

so all the clowns must paint their faces and make the common folk laugh
Hey, he's a pol

Interesting article:
When pressed, Daley was similarly reluctant to say that crime was under control, or even that the city was safer now than 20 years ago, when the murder count was nearly twice what it has been in recent years.

“I couldn’t say that,” Daley said, “because you’ll go out here and interview someone who’s just been shot.”

At least he's smart enough to not provide encouragement to someone who may go postal.

I was in Cairo Egypt the day that President Mubarak of Egypt said that Egypt was the safest place on the earth. Hours later, a gunman, screaming out slogans, shot or killed many people in a store.

Considering how short the memory span of most voters is, sounds like a smart move for Daley (whether you like him or not).
It always amazes me that they can't figure out the reason for the high crime stats...

If you pack enough people of any race religion or creed into a small enough space and they don't have anything to do but sit around bored.... guess what?
IMHO Daley (and many other professional politicians) would claim credit for the sun coming up, if they thought it would benefit them in any way.

Expecting honesty, honor, and moral restraint from these people is an exercise in self deception.

Flip Flops aren't just casual footwear.
This is what all the credit card companies did when the rules changed this year, lots of advertisements with "We listened to you, here's what we decided to do differently now" when they fought tooth and nail against any reforms.
OMG, when are Americans going to wise up and stop electing these clowns? How many times have the populace been played by joe politico and keep electing him or his circus buddies. Or swallow their lies hook line and sinker, letting them decide for the populace what their reality is. How about we all start thinking for ourselves and tell these clowns where to shove it heh? :confused:
single party machine politics. It is Chicago's legacy and reaches all the way to the highest levels of our government. Saying anything else about the obvious political connection would invite censorship by the political correctness police here.
44 AMP said:
IMHO Daley (and many other professional politicians) would claim credit for the sun coming up, if they thought it would benefit them in any way.

Expecting honesty, honor, and moral restraint from these people is an exercise in self deception.

Flip Flops aren't just casual footwear.

That's it right there. It's not a Daley thing and it's not a Chicago thing. It's a politician thing.... and it's why we need to get them out of office ASAP. We should be able to expect honor and integrity from out elected officials. The should, in fact, be the honest and honorable among us.

I must say, they do have integrity though..... it's just not "positive" integrity. Integrity means "oneness" or "consistent", "whole". They are constantly, consistently dirtbags.
Well that may be due to the rumors that Rahm wants to be Mayor of Chicago and run for it. How do you outdo a fellow Liberal? By pretending to be for firearms for citizens in Chicago. While fighting it witt new city laws.
Originally Posted by 44 AMP
IMHO Daley (and many other professional politicians) would claim credit for the sun coming up, if they thought it would benefit them in any way.

Expecting honesty, honor, and moral restraint from these people is an exercise in self deception.

Flip Flops aren't just casual footwear.
That's it right there. It's not a Daley thing and it's not a Chicago thing. It's a politician thing.... and it's why we need to get them out of office ASAP. We should be able to expect honor and integrity from out elected officials. The should, in fact, be the honest and honorable among us.

Another vote for this. The earth rotates because politicians sponsored the bill to give it funding. Whether it's jobs "created or saved" or winning the Cold War, politicians will rightfully and wrongly take credit for anything.
I recall, about two or three days before the Supreme Court returned a decision, Daley being on TV saying he will NEVER allow guns in Chicago because of all the murdering that would happen with them. :rolleyes: