Daley, Chicago and runt governor at it again...

Rifleman 173

New member
Well, Komrade Daley and the runt governor of Illinois are at it again with their anti-gun games. For years now, Daley has slowly expanded his control across our area. Daley controls Chicago, Cook County and most state level jobs in Illinois. You can NOT get hired to work for the State of Illinois unless you have Daley's name tattooed in a heart over your left chest and have personal endorsements from two of his corrupt campaign contributors. Most of us who live downstate are wondering when the feds are going to get off of their collective fat rear ends and nail Daley and his runt governor puppet to the wall. Everybody knows how corrupt Daley, Blagovich, Chicago and Cook County is downstate. The Daley/Blagovich corruption has gone well beyond myth and actually has become blatant, feds. In this case, blatant means "wide open and completely notorious." Go get him, feds. He's ripe for the taking so do it!!

Take him out in shackles!!

Why wait until the election? If anyone were implicated like this in the private sector, they would be dismissed pending a conviction. Why not the politicians? How long would your employer tolerate this?

Don't underestimate the REZKO case, it might even contribute to the demise of a presidential candidate.

When I heard the mindless anti-gun drivel from Blago yesterday, all I could think of was, yet another diversion from the real issue: HIS f%&ing Corruption!:barf:

When he tours the state regarding the transit funding and proclaiming "free rides for seniors," he diverts attention yet again.

He's an unbelievable pile of excrement. Mr. Reformer! Ryan was a saint compared to this man.
is it illegal to bus kids to a political rally?

I'm just asking, I have no idea if any laws were broken.
When Jesse was marching with that Catholic priest (protesting gun stores) I called
every number in the Archdiocese to complain.

I think they are in a hurry to get a lot of things passed before scotus reaffirms our rights.
Illegally using the city school bus fleet to ferry kids to a gun control political rally didn't stop former Richmond, VA Mayor Tim Kaine from being elected Governor of a Red State like Virginia. Surely none of you think such a legal triviality will stop Daley from getting re-elected in Deep Blue Chicago.
Daly is a weasel pushing his personal agenda. It doesn't stop with firearms of course. He used his muscle to close (more like rape) the Meigs airport because it could supposedly be used by terrorists to launch an attack on the downtown buildings. If that's the case, then he had better shut down Midway and O'Hare too. Any plane taking off from those airports could be inside a building before anyone knew what was going on. That's when I first realized he was a snake. The reality is that he wanted this property because it is valuable lake front real estate.

Everyone with a FOID, just leave. Ohio ain't bad by comparison, from where I'm sitting. And when all the legit gun owners are gone, and crime continues, maybe these clowns will be forced to think. The fault lies only with two entities - the (partisan and anti-gun) Daley/Blago machine, and the residents of these neighborhoods that allow them to be run by fear and violence. Daley's quite contented to funnel massive amounts of money into prettying up neighborhoods which are already quite nice. But as long as the welfare check's not bouncing, we'll keep supporting for him, right?

Voting with your feet is an impractical pipe dream, I know. But these folks will continue to point fingers so long as a single person owns a gun legally in the state. And after that it will be someone else's fault. I can't begin to express my disgust with these self-styled eternal victims. Have some dignity for goodness sake and be responsible for yourself.
He used his muscle to close (more like rape) the Meigs airport because it could supposedly be used by terrorists to launch an attack on the downtown buildings.

When Meigs was open, a small planes transitioning the lakefront would have to contact Meigs tower to go thru their airspace. Now planes are free to just fly right up and down at will without talking to anyone! Kinda blows the terrorist theory.

Jack Booted Thug he is.
I've mentionted several times on this forum what a crook the B is, and this just helps back that up. I left Illinois for Florida 3 years ago, and will NEVER step foot back in that hell hole again. :mad:
I wish to God that some of those big fire arms companies in Illinious would pick up kit, and move down to Western KY. Graves, Calloway, and Mccracken County specifically.

We need jobs, we love shooting, and we're in the middle of the country with easy access to rail, river, and road. Pick up your kit, park next to the Remington plant south of Paducah, and feel what its like to have your factory in a state that appreciates what you do! That, and we have milder winters. My home town or Mayfield just lost two of its largest employers in the form of a Tire manufacturer, and an industrial Air compressor factory. I'm sure the locals would love to have ya'll drop in.

I'm sure Blago and co. Would get the picture if a couple thousand well paying jobs suddenly vacated their AO to nicer climates.
Hey, we'll split them with you down here in Florida. You get half, we get half. We could use the jobs also. :D
You could also move them here to North Dakota. The Red River Valley is so flat you could build a 1,500 yard indoor range if you wanted to with little difficulty.:D