Dadgummit forgot how much fun....

Mike / Tx

New member
Powder coating a mess of bullets really is....NOT

Well it wasn't all that bad just more time consuming than i figured it would be. I did up a hundred and fifty MP 147gr FB HP's and a hundred Accurate 31-125F for my 30 Carbine Blackhawk.

Then just for locks I threw in a hundred Lee 452-230TL just to have a little something different.

I haven't had a chance to load any of the 147 or 125gr bullets yet but if they shoot like the lighter weight ones i have shot ill be a happy camper. Those Lee bullets i usually just give a light coat of White Label 45/45/10 and load them over around 4.5-5.0grs of Bullseye. They shoot pretty darn good out of my 45's.
Were you just shakin' and bakin'? I haven't PC'd in a while, because I just have sooooo many coated bags of them scattered around here that are ready to load, and I just don't have any raw ones left to PC right now. :cool:

But I did luck into a find on a new (to me) cowboy bullet blaster! It's an old model Vaquero in .45C Bisley. :D I had been looking at these for quite a while now, and though I've got one in blue, I was looking for a summer gun in stainless. (coming in to cool and then going back outside several times a day in the summer keeps the metal sweating all of the time). I oughta burn through a lot of the stash of cast bullets with this thing.

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Cast up about 8#s of lee .45x 200 grain long nose semi wad cutters today. I did a shake n bake and picked them all out and set them on the cooking tray one by one by one:( thats tedious. Hope you were smarter than me!
Cast up 200 Lee 124gr TL boolits today myself, shake and bake and all 200 are snug in their little plastic boxes to be loaded tomorrow. I love long weekends.
Yep also did the shake and bake myself.

I must say that doing the bigger bullets are much easier to handle. On top of the tiny bullets, somehow I managed to front load the little oven and with the placement of one Lee bullet, the whole works almost rolled right ofd the end of the table. I just managed to catch the end of the tray as everything slid together at the bottom end. Almost.made a big mess.
Didn't you buy one of those electric sprayers one time? (the Craftsman portable system?) I was wondering how those held up. I haven't seen any comments from anybody is using those now, but they looked pretty interesting.
Yea the one that was on EBay. I still use it but mainly to coat parts or tools.

Leaves a bit to be desired for bullets. You or at least I get as much or more overspray as I get on the bullets. Figure as few as I actually do the shake and bake works out ok.
Thats exactly why I dont do it much Mike, makes a durn mess and my tin foil ends up about 1/4" thick with layers of lost powder coat. Plus the bullets dont get coated great all the time.

It does look good when they do though.
Powder coating is not too bad except for the time it takes to stand up each and every one of those bullets individually. It feels like it goes on forever, and then you get to size them...

The whole casting, PC, sizing process is more work than producing loaded rounds on a progressive press.