Dade City Rod and Gun Club


New member
After 13 years of marriage, my wife finally decided to overcome her fear of shooting so as to spend more time with the boys and I. We went to the range that I have frequented for over 20 years. As I waited in line to sign in, my wife waited about 10 yards behind the firing line, summoning her courage. A range officer, who I had never seen before, accosted her almost immediately, asking her what she was doing. She indicated that she was with me and he continued harassing her ordering her to get in line. (She was waiting for me to be at the head of the line before coming up because she was nervous.) It was a busy day at the range and with all of the firing she was communicating with him by gesturing, as she couldn't hear. He stormed away from her, approaching the other shooters to complain loudly about the girl who "couldn't talk." I could hear him, but didn't know what he was talking about because I was facing the opposite direction. By this time he has my wife so upset that I take the family and go home. The following Monday, I e-mailed all of the members of the Club's board to describe the situation and not a single one bothered to reply. So, now I'm shooting elsewhere, which is sad considering the many happy hours I spent there. Thanks for letting me vent...
Scout, this is a bit disapointing to hear as I'm trying to find a range close to where I live here in Lutz. I'm going to go there and check it out and keep what you observed in mind. Hopefully this person was just having a bad day. Who knows. Thanks for posting this.
Are you talking about the range off of 52? That's too bad. I would have probably said something to the SO along the lines of sit down and shut up. Alot of the ranges around here are like that. Tampa Shooting Sports is the worst of them all. It's right on Dale Mabry just south of Waters. You should try the second ammendment club. It's a private range on 52. Good people I hear. Been thinking about checking it myself.
I do believe that a bloody broken nose and fat lip are needed to rectify the situation, and if anything it will make you feel better.:cool:
By the way I see you are in central FLA. Our range is located on state road 44 approximately 4-5 mile east of I-4
here is the web sight,
Right, DonP, that's why we left the range so quickly. My first instinct when someone is bothering my wife is to dot his eye.
Well considered that I grew up in S Fla in the 70's and 80's I am very well versed in crime, studs, 10 million transplants and their "that's not how we did it in NY" crap. In other words compared to a lot of places people there are just not friendly.

Sorry, I am violating the old if you don't have anything nice to say rule. Guess that's my native cracker attitude coming out! Sorry boys, have a good one. Over and out! :)
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Dade City v Dade County?

Or come down to Pinellas County to the Wyoming Antelope Club.
Which would be in between Dade City and Manatee.
Maybe some are confusing the two Dades?