DA/SA transitions

Country Boy

New member
I always have more questions than answers, so here goes again...

I have only shot revolvers and single action semi-autos; I have not shot DA or DAO semi-autos. And please don't call me either deprived or blessed. ;) I'm very comfortable carrying a SA cocked and locked, but lately, I've been looking at a certain DA handgun.

How difficult is DA/SA trigger to become proficient with? Has anyone transitioned from a 1911/BHP design to a DA/SA handgun? In particular, how are the trigger pulls on SIGs? For the purposes of this post, I'm not concerned about issues of safety, only about the transition from one trigger design to another. Any comments?

What is popular is not always right.
What is right is not always popular.
If you choose a traditional DA/SA pistol, go to the range and try this exercise at close range. Do not worry about where the shots will end up, just work through the flinch factor.

DA shot....SA shot.....Decock....DA shot.....SA shot.....Decock.....DA shot....SA shot....Decock. Then, do some DA shots and decock every time. Forget about accuracy, just work on getting used to the transition. Before you know it, the flinch is gone and you can begin to work on accuracy.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Will speaks the truth. That exercise will allow you to develop good proficiency in short order. You can also dry-fire the same routine by cocking it manually for the susequent SA shot.
Of all the Sigs that I've shot/owned, the P220 is by far the best in DA to SA transition. IMO, it is probably the best pistol, in that regard, of all. Particularly the older generation characterized by the sharp-pointed hammer spur. Decocking allows the trigger to reset further to the rear than the "full" length DA pull. The newer ones take it fully forward, making the first pull longer, IIRC.
I decided to stick with pistols that have but one trigger to master, mostly DAO designs. But, the 1911, BHP, HK-P7 all have one distinct pull too. Good luck, VL.