DA/SA revolver that recocks in SA mode.


New member
Seem to remember a revolver that was a DA mode hammer down first round but went to a cocked SA mode after the first round was fired, just like a Semi-Auto pistol.

Obvious benefit of a safe carry and DA first round combined with the lighter and shorter trigger pull of all subsequent SA rounds.

Does anybody know what became of this gun?
There are two. The original Webley-Fosbery is featured in (I think) the Maltese Falcon. Currently, the Metaba auto-revolver is still in production, and is fairly neato.
In 1998 I borrowed a .357 Magnum Mateba from the company then importing them for a project. On the 62nd factory round it ceased functioning. Couldn't get it to cycle or fire. I returned it, they promised to send a replacement, after several weeks of that & no gun I gave up on them.
The idea is more curio than practico, anyway.
Yes indeed, the Mateba Auto Revolver imported by America Western Arms in FL. And quite an ugly duck it is.

Thanks ya all.
AWA is out of business, their former "gunsmith" is trying to carry on with parts of the lineup, but I doubt he's doing much with the Mateba auto-revolver.
During the last couple years of its existence, AWA was scrounging for things to sell. The Mateba revolver & high end 1911s, a double-barreled coachgun, a cavalry model single-action, an aborted 1893 12-gauge Winchester pumpgun clone, and so on were among those efforts.
The revolver is big, heavy, clunky, slower to fire than a good S&W revolver.
Ejection is still done with a swingout cylinder, so that offers no advantage & actually is less advantageous than the older breaktop auto-revolver design.