D-Lead Handsoap and cleaners

Mauser Rat

New member
This is NOT offering anything for sale. I don't have anything to do with this company. But....

There is a company called ESCA Tech that sells handsoaps and cleaners that are particularly designed to clean up Lead, Nickel, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Silver, Zinc and "most other heavy metals". The products have names like "D-Lead Dry or Wet Skin Cleaner" or "D-Wipes" that clean up the same heavy metals but are like hand wipes I think. Also shampoos, laundry detergents, gallon jugs of "surface" cleaning products.....

I just found ESCA Tech and got some of the hand cleaner and it cleans very well. The ingredient list includes "phosphonate" which, if similar to phosphate, would react with all the heavy metal ions and allow them to be washed or wiped off.

I was wondering if anybody else had any experience with them and knows if it is too good to be true? The products are not expensive and would seem to be worth what they charge if they work. Lead ain't a great thing to eat! :D

The guy who started the company used to be involved in the lead removal industry and created these products to clean up his and others hands, clothes, etc.

Any feed back anybody?
no feedback, but it sounds interesting.

I'll have to go check it out. I've never been overly concerned with lead on my hands, etc... I wash thoroughly with soap and water after a "session", either reloading or casting, and I try to refrain from licking my fingers or pickin my nose while reloading/casting..:rolleyes:

I can see some practical applications in gun cleaning, though...
Invisible lead guys....


Good instructions, in general, for life maybe? People look at you weird if you walk around with fingers in your mouth and that is all I am going to say about that day...er....whatever.

I actually stumbled on these things over at Brownells while I was, you guessed it, searching the word lead in their product line. Anyway, what the guy says on the site is that he used to monitor lead levels in FOLKS after somebody figured out that lead is bad for the liver and other endangered species.

And lead poisoning levels in folks went down fast but then stopped going down anymore but were still too high in people that worked in lead related industries. They found out that people were doing that "wash up after exposure" thing and thinking that took care of it but there was actually a lot of lead still on their hands and they were ingesting it AFTER they washed up and continued :D picking their noses thinking that if nobody saw them - no foul.

So there is apparently a conspiracy sort of thing with invisible lead guys just waiting for you to pick! :eek:

So I bought the stuff and it is making my hands so lovably soft and purty smellin that even my dog loves me again!