CZs in AZ


New member
I'm interested in getting a CZ-75 but I'd like to rent one and try it out before I buy one. None of the ranges in Tucson have one to rent, does anyone know of a range in Phoenix that rents them? Any where else in AZ would be good too.

Not only do none of the ranges here have one to rent, despite hearing about the 40 caliber version of the CZ, to the best of my knowledge no dealer in Tucson had ever had one. I even asked one of the shops I frequent to try and get one and his distributor won't deliver a 40.

Must be something in CAP water that repells all the CZs (instert smiley face here)!
Shame you guys live in a foreign country:D, here
in texas CZ's everywhere and they are top quality
both the cz75b and the new cz40B are super accurate and compare with $600 guns.
I believe the cz75B was selling for $329 and the
CZ40B approx. $300
Hope you find one well worth looking for.
I' m surprised that Jensen's in Tucson does not have them. They otherwise seemed to have what one was looking for when I visited AZ a couple of years ago.

A while back Jensen's sold out to a Phoneix outfit called Arizona Sportsman. It is a mear shadow of it's former self in terms of quality and service.

That being said, guess what I saw in there today? A CZ75 in 40 Auto. First one I've seen in town. Not that it does me any good now, as I've been Glocked.
Jenson's didn't really sell out, they went under. I know some guys who picked up some nice stuff at their going out of business sale.
Arizona Sportsman bought them after that. I think their demise was realted to a large shipment of imported firearms that were held up in customs for a large amount of time. With all their money tied up in that shipment, they went under. Kinda sad really.

Does and of the Jensons in the Phoenix area have CZs to rent? Or any other store for that matter. I'd really love to try one beforeI buy it.

As much as I dislike the AZ. Sportsman chain, they do seem to have the most full and frequent selection of CZ products of any shop here in metro Phoenix. Unfortunately, I've not seen any CZs for rent anywhere.