cz52 takedown pin pops out when shooting


The takedown pin pushes out to the left every time i shoot this little cz52. I cant find anything that answers my question. I though about lock tite glue. Should this pin be rivited in place? must it be able to pivot? any help would be appreciated.


Dear Shooter:
No, no glue or loctite - there is something wrong for it to do that.
The CZ52 is one tough gun - the 7.62X25 cartridge it shoots is mean and penetrates many body armour vests!
Get a breakdown from the net, or gun and see if it's assembled properly.
Start from there, you have an excellent pistol - do not dry-fire - they are subject to pin breakage when dry-fired - never do it

One of the great dangerous mistakes I ever made was with a CZ52 I got from from my grandson - which I carried for a month after just shooting it to verify hit - he had been snapping it and when I went to fire it later (not in a serious context) it just "snapped". Embarrased, feeling like the fool I was, with a little panic, I quickly carried my 45 - I was a fool!
A good learning experience - I litterally had cold chills up my back - you guys know the feeling?
Harry B.
I will post what I said to the same question above.

"There is no takedown pin on the 52. Takedown is by pulling down on the takedown latch, not by removing any pins. I assume you mean the slide stop pin, which should NOT be removed for normal field stripping and cleaning. It is staked on the right end at the factory, using a center punch, and is not intended to be removed by the user. I suggest you do the same thing and then leave it alone."

I will add that the pin does not pivot. The slide stop pivots on the pin; the pin should not move.
