CZ SP-01 and Shadow 2 differences


New member
I know there are some cosmetic differences like the cut of the slide, but mechanically/internally what is the difference? Is the Shadow 2 just slicked up for competitions or is there more to it? I'm not disparaging the Shadow, just trying to understand what exactly I get for the increased price.
The Shadow 2 is a hot rodded version of the SP01 with lots of internal massaging and trigger work. It's more purpose built for competition.
My wife has both the SP-01 and Shadow2.

The trigger on the Shadow2 is a whole lot better. But, her target shooting is equally accurate with both.
Totally different like Bac said.

Firing pin block on the SP01 and not on the Shadow. So you cannot just trade the SP01 slide to the Shadow. Different width hammer too.

Can you add 75 parts between? yes. Are they the same, no.

High level difference beside frame cuts. Not the same.
The Shadow models, SP01 shadow and Shadow 2, do NOT have massaged/slicked up internals.
The difference is the hammer, a different disco and lack of firing pin block.

The Shadow 2 Orange, now that is hand fitted and has a slicked up trigger.

You can put the internals of a S2 minus the safety lever, hammer and maybe sear cage into any safety model.
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Gotcha, I've not been able to handle the Shadow so I was just going off of pictures. It seemed like it was just a slicked up race gun kind of build.
SP-01 = Mil spec 1911
Shadow 2 = Gold Cup national Match 1911.

Thanks for the replies. I have a P01 with some Cajun springs in it but want to get a full size at some point.
The S2 is gen 2 of the SP01. The frame is slightly wider, has front and rear checkering, higher undercut on the trigger guard and beaver tail and more weight in the dust cover.
The slide was put on a diet to reduce reciprocating weight and I think the barrel is slightly longer as well.

So yes they look kinda the same, but in the hand and IMO in shooting they different pistols.
The S2 is gen 2 of the SP01. The frame is slightly wider, has front and rear checkering, higher undercut on the trigger guard and beaver tail and more weight in the dust cover.
The slide was put on a diet to reduce reciprocating weight and I think the barrel is slightly longer as well.

So yes they look kinda the same, but in the hand and IMO in shooting they different pistols.

Yes, finally someone realizes how different they are.

I’ve got the Orange version of each. The SP01 Orange pistol is a CZ Custom offering. They took a SP01 Shadow and enhanced it.
There is an inbetweener too, the SP-01 Competition.

There you get to keep the firing pin block. Still "older" SP01 frame, none of the Shadow 2 benefits (reduced muzzle rise from frame cuts), same hammer, and priced at a Shadow 2. Current Shadow 2 had a frame cut from cz from cracking, so Shadow 1 variants, which can be expensive, are questionable.

At the price of the SP01 which used to be much lower...I'm not sure it has a place if you're starting new as of 2023. The factory non Cajun trigger reset is too much to even call it duty worthy. The reset is too long compared to any other gun for range...Just my opinion.
Just a side note, I will be receiving a new CGW Shadow 2 SAO custom build tomorrow. It has all the toys and I am super excited. I'd post pics but don't use an image hosting site.
I own an SP-01 Tactical Suppressor-Ready and a Shadow 2. My brother owns an SP-01 Competition. All are great guns.

SP-01 = Mil spec 1911
Shadow 2 = Gold Cup national Match 1911.

Not really. As mentioned, the frame and slide of the Shadow 2 are completely different than the SP-01. I haven’t tried, but don’t believe they are interchangeable.

In addition to what was mentioned in previous posts, the Shadow 2 is heavier than the SP-01 (noticeably so), and has a recoil buffer.

The Shadow 2 has a markedly better trigger feel than the SP-01 Tactical. The SP-01 Competition falls in-between, but closer to the SP-01 Tactical than the Shadow 2. But don’t get me wrong - they all have good triggers and they are all very accurate pistols. The Shadow 2 is just the easiest to shoot very accurately.

The Shadow 2 has the slickest slide feel and best fit of the three. The Competition is noticeably slicked up versus the standard SP-01, which itself is a very well-fit gun. All are reliable - I can’t recall ever experiencing or seeing a failure with any of them.

In terms of felt recoil and general shooting dynamics, all three feel about the same to me. The extra weight and recoil buffer of the Shadow 2 doesn’t really make much of a difference to me. They are all quite soft-shooting. But my polymer-framed and much lighter P-07 Suppressor-Ready is incredibly soft-shooting as well.
Yep. Muzzle rise degree is what cz markets. Here i think my tanfoglio has been better, though the cz trigger is nicer.

You will prob like your new cajun s2 sao.

I like my sao s2 more than my s2. The trigger texture on the s2 sao alone is far superior to the super slick s2 trigger in my opion. Huge shooting dif. Can replace both of course.

I think the sao doesnt get the attention it deserves...but both are different game guns. If not doing comp, i think the sao is the bee's knees.
Shadow 2 has a longer barrel, 6 oz heavier, fiber optic front sight, height adjustable rear, a recoil spring buffer and ~3 lb. trigger.
Upgrading a SP-01 to the same level as a S2 is not cost effective. IMO.