CZ P-10 C: A New Favorite


New member
I recently purchased a P-10 C after renting one and shooting it side by side with my Glock 19, M&P 2.0 Compact, and CZ-75 PCR. Today was the first range day for my new pistol. To say that I am impressed is an understatement. The combination of ergonomics and outstanding trigger on this has won me over. I was able to shoot just as well with this as with my Glock 19, which I have much more experience with. The P-10 C seemed to come back on target for me faster than the Glock, which is saying something since the Glock outperforms my other polymer compact pistols in this area. Again, the trigger on this is outstanding for a striker fired handgun. The pull is shorter, lighter, and smoother than the Glock 19 Gen 5, yet requires more pull than something like a PPQ.

For $309 ($329 - $20 off) from Grabagun, this is probably the best handgun deal in the country right now. It is a superb firearm at rock bottom prices. Get it now before that changes.

I own a 10-F and 10-S and used to own a G-26 -- i think the CZ is better than a Glock -- I agree with you that the CZ-10s are the best semi-auto deal out there.
There is an absolutely fascinating thread on the CZ forum, though started on reddit, where a poster figured out the safety on the P series is functionally useless. The moderators closed the thread for no obvious reason and the poster clearly proved their point that no one else seemed to have noticed.

CZ responses seem to suggest they avoided the correct assessment of the poster.

Worth the read
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There is an absolutely fascinating thread on the CZ forum, though started on reddit, where a poster figured out the safety on the P series is functionally useless. The moderators closed the thread for no obvious reason and the poster clearly proved their point that no one else seemed to have noticed.

CZ responses seem to suggest they avoided the correct assessment of the poster.

Worth the read

You’re almost like a one man “wayback machine” when it comes to firearm rumor.

I have no idea who Inferno451 is. They seem to have performed a test with some degree of rigor. CZ also sent them a response that doesn’t, to me, seem unreasonable and whether CZ “avoided the correct assessment of the poster” and whether the poster “clearly proved their point” seems a lot more subjective than you seem to suggest above.

CZ’s response seems to suggest that the manner in which the user tested the firing pin safety of the P10 is incorrect as it tests the slide in absence of the frame. Essentially that testing one part of the system in absence of the rest of the system can yield a false result. There are a number of the usual CZ forum members commenting as well, asking the OP to point to one documented case of this failure actually happening. Of course to get into that in your comment above, you’d have to acknowledge that the poster was talking about 1 of the 3 internal safeties of the P10 (not all of them as a whole as using the generic term safety might suggest), that the poster themselves acknowledged the other safeties should prevent a discharge from a drop, and that in order to get a primer to detonate the poster had to draw the striker further to the rear than the striker is at rest in the slide.

As for closing the thread for no reason, you seem to leave the door open that this was some attempt at a cover up. Certainly confirmation bias is a thing and no doubt some fans of CZs don’t want to see/read negative stories of their beloved products, especially on a CZ forum. At the same time, the poster had made his points, acknowledged the limitations with his own testing, and was spreading what is an unsubstantiated claim that a firearm was at least partially unsafe. Is stopping that a coverup, or an attempt to prevent rumors from running wild? I honestly don’t know, but again it seems subjective. I do agree the thread is worth a read, though I might not present it the same as you.

I don’t come to this forum much anymore. It’s good to read some familiar names on occasion and even though you and I have disagreed in the past, you are a contributing member who has added to this community. I just wish you took some of that enthusiasm that you seem to have for reading about firearms online and asked some more objective questions to learn rather than seemingly being more interested in gossip.
I am not concerned with the results from a leas than scientific test of the pistols FPS, but to each their own. I have plenty of 1911s without firing pin safeties as well.
Still interesting in my mind

I currently have three shadow 2s. I have been very unroseyed that they arent drop safe is stupid. Meh

Just interesting since i almost bought a p10 that was the glock comp, but when googling if the p10 copied the glock safety i found that it does not. That's all.
I don’t normally suggest swapping out parts on most guns, but the flat faced triggers out there from hbi are absolute game changers in the p-10 guns.
CEO of CZ says a new gen P10 is coming soon. He was on TFBTV with James Reeve and said the current P10 will continue, but an updated version will be released soon. He also said to expect a micro-compact (read: P365 competitor) as that is a priority.
To the original poster, welcome to addiCZion! I started with a P-10C that I was "meh" about, as I wasn't really into striker fire poly pistols. Now I own several of them and my original P-10C from 2017 is my EDC and has been for 7 years now. It hasn't failed me.


To those bringing up the ancient thread on CZF - it was closed because the original poster presented a flawed yet interesting look at the firing pin safety that others showed was not the correct way to look at it, AND the OP discounted the evidence given by the actual company itself. Also, threads get closed when they start to get more emotional than actual exchange of ideas - CZF is quite active in keeping it family friendly. Also, please remember that thread was 5 years ago.
The only micro P-10 I am aware of is the excellent P10M, which my wife loves.


If yet another variant is due out, that WILL be interesting!
Thanks. I had a CZ-75b several years ago and also picked up a PCR earlier in 2023. This P-10c is a really nice midsize striker fired model. I like the trigger on it a lot more than pretty much every other striker fired gun (with the exception of the Walther PPQ I used to own).
I don't believe that logic is accurate, but I promise I'm not being spicy to you. I also don't think that thread was spicy in any way that needed a lock. In fact, it was one of the more informative threads on the P10 I've read at all.

Here are some examples of the company saying something isn't a problem...wasn't true.

S&W M&P 1.0 was replaced with the 2.0 after years and was discovered the sear had a design problem and could end up not resetting. "Dreaded dead trigger."

Walther PPQ had the "fatal flaw" and the sear drop dead trigger issue on a back of the slide wack that would be common in a dropped pistol. This same issue caused the entire Canik line to be recalled under the "Severe Duty Upgrade." Walther has since changed both areas.

Sig P320 "Voluntary Upgrade Program..."

Just because CZ said his point wasn't correct, does not in fact make it not correct. If you go back, it's clear CZ says that wasn't accurate but then didn't provide anything to back that claim up.

Factor in the P10 wasn't very successful, the lack of information on this issue isn't proof of anything.

I can't think of any other pistol where someone took the slide off to show a feature didn't work...and someone said that taking off the slide itself proved the analysis incorrect. It's clear the two parts mate. That wasn't the point. I think that poster made some good observations that do call into question the feature. I also don't see any drop tests online that prove him wrong.

Just a single point to follow up if I had a P10. Glad you're enjoying yours.
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While it’s very true that a company saying something isn’t a problem isn’t proof of them being right, the internet is also full of people claiming things are problems that didn’t prove to be problems. You also continue to gloss over the fact that the poster himself admitted that the other safeties on the pistol would likely have caught that issue in an actual drop, and that the poster had retracted the striker further than it sits in rest at the slide.

You say the thread was informative to you, and I believe you, but I also might look at this as a perfect example of confirmation bias where you read something that agrees with what you wanted to believe.
I hear ya, but I don't think that is the case here. I wanted to buy a cheap P10c and what lead me to the thread is that I was wondering if CZ copied the Glock Safe Action System because they are claimed by others to be so similar. (they don't, but the P10 is partially not fully SA).

Sounds good. I'd like to see someone do some drop testing on the P10 though. You just don't see any like you do on other model/brands. This was the single point I was concerned about in the P10 for buying. Maybe the new gen4 P10C will be the hit buy option for me.

Enjoy the new gun!
Haha. The thing about confirmation bias is that it’s not always easy to recognize and admit. You’re already conveniently sidestepping points that the poster in that thread himself made that don’t fit the argument you want to make. That kind of seems like a bias. That said, reposting a thread from one forum to another forum seemingly so that you can rehash a 4 year old argument that was locked out because you seem to want to argue it more also seems like bias. I guess you can argue it’s related here, though basically you took a person’s thread where they were excited about a new purchase and called into question the safety of their purchase without them asking for people to bring up any concerns. There’s always that guy I guess.
I have no idea why you have taken such a negative turn on me.

Google yourself. "CZ P10 Drop Safe"

It's a circus out there on this. I'm just friend-idly bringing it up. Fair enough, non issue in everyone's eyes. Great. $300 is a steal of a deal.

Like I said, I'll be eyeballing the new gen4 that is coming.

I'll move on
You’re right if I Google this I do get results (I generally get results if I Google something, it’s a search engine that crawls a lot of the internet). In the results I see the thread you linked, I see the same thread on Reddit, I see the same thread cross posted to pistol-forum, and I see that same thread cross posted to GlockTalk. The one on GlockTalk has a second, much longer response from CZ going into the NIJ testing that CZ claims the P10 has passed and more detail on the safety systems than the earlier CZ response.

I see a smattering of other posts, including at least 3 videos on YouTube from channels of different sizes. Is that a “circus”? That’s subjective so I am not going to say you’re wrong there, even if I disagree. As someone that owns a P320 the amount of internet traffic I see about the P10 being drop safe seems laughable by comparison (even acknowledging the much smaller user base of the P10). But as I admitted above I think more of this is subjective than people realize. That applies to how you see it, but also how I see it.

You seem to take someone going into the details of your claims and links personally. It’s not personal. What it is is my years of experience knowing that how a person reports and interprets data is as important as the data itself. It’s why I don’t trust one person on the internet any more than some faceless corporation.
Regarding the CZ striker block:

I tried the experiment that was posted on the CZ forums... My P-10C is a more recent model that I bought a couple of months ago. I can snap the striker with my finger from a fully cocked position and the firing pin block catches it every time. This makes me think that some models, early ones I guess, have bad geometry on the striker block that keeps it from working effectively.

There is another issue with the striker safety I've seen on YouTube. The torsion spring that holds it in the engaged position can be mis installed on the other side of the safety. Then it won't engage itself correctly.
This makes me think that CZ quietly addressed the problem with the striker safety and the official corporate response is questionable. Probably the gun is really quite safe even without the striker safety and so they have dismissed the problem rather than have a recall.