cz-82 going to double action


New member
Today had my "new to me" CZ-82 at the range. Shoots very accurately but I have one concern.

I shot a total of 50 rounds and out of that approximately 5 returned to double action after one of the single action shots. Has anyone had this happen?

I received this handpick from SOG about 3 weeks ago. I broke it down and gave it a very good cleaning last week.

If anyone has experienced this what might be the problem? Is this a safety hazard as is?

Thanks for all responses.
What ammo were you shooting? It's possible that if it were on the light side there wasn't enough inertia to take the slide all the way back, but enough to cycle a new round. Just a quick guess.
Also, did you clean it completely, and lube it properly before you tried to shoot it? that's a must with all firearms new, used, or surplus.
I was using FMJ Silver Bear. Never had any issues with this round or even Brown Bear in my true Makarovs. As with all of my all metal guns this was dipped for 24 hours in that Makarov Cleaning recipe of Samplawski. I lubed it afterwards same as always.

Every now and then I get a light load using my CZ-75B, but after 2600 rounds I bet that has happened no more than 3 times and when it does I can always hear the difference. I couldn't tell it was a light load from the sound if in fact it was one. Maybe next week will try Brown Bear and see what happens?
Well, it was a thought but...I haven't had a problem with any color Bear in my E. German Mak, P-64, or 2 CZ 82's.
Back to square one.:eek:
Never had an issue with any color "Bear" in my 82.
It's in my waist as my EDC.
Perhaps a new Wolff recoil spring?
Two other possibilities, you're "limp wristing" it, or your sear is worn. In the latter case the problem is the close proximity from "not catching and requiring double action" to "catching a fraction of a second and autofiring". I had that happen with an 08 (went from having to work action every shot to magazine empty, very surprising).
hey these are great responses and I have considered all.

I want to try and get to the range again this saturday and give it one more try and see if I don't get similar results.

After all the responses and a little research I am pretty convinced it must be either the sear or more likely the sear spring. I found a forum posted a few years back and the guy had the exact same problem, although more frequent. The problem was the sear spring had become bent and all it required was straightening and he now has perfect function.

That said the I checked out a few disassembly links and it looks like a devil to get at that spring without taking the whole deal apart. I am not a total clutz, I have replaced springs etc with my P64 and true Makarovs, but this baby does seem a little more complicated. I don't want to take the whole insides apart just to replace that spring but all I see are the step by step procedures and the spring is one of the latter steps. Does anyone know the easiest way to do this? I also need to pick up and decent punch set. Any advice on that would help too.

I know I sound needy but bear with me. I would take it to the gunsmith, but I don't know where a reliable on is in my area, also I only have 200 invested in this milsurp. I don't need to spend another 100 on gunsmith charges. Not cheap by any means but anything more than that I may as well just order another one and save this for a project. I'm sure you guys understand. .

Sorry to write a book. Let me know what you guys think.
I don't blame you- not one bit. The '82 sear scares me a bit, too.
I Duracoated mine after purchase, but I stopped the teardown at that point and left the hammer, sear and fire control group in place and just masked them off...

If you're reasonably certain that's the problem, give it a shot- just take a LOT of pictures as you're doing it...if you run into an issue on re-assembly you just put the parts in a ziploc and send them to the smith. No worse off than if you had to pay him to begin with.

This may be helpful if you haven't found it yet, I'm sure there's other info online that would be helpful. There's a lot of knowledge out there, and a lot of helpful folks...
I had a similar issue with one that I had for a couple of years before really using it much. Given that it is only a few weeks old, I would see if SOG will replace it.

If they won't, then I would recommend ordering the spring from CZ ... it wasn't very much. Then get a good pic-filled tutorial off the net and go for it. It does require that you basically take the whole pistol apart, but it really isn't all that tough to get back together.

Mine took about an hour total, but it worked like a champ after the fix ...


ps ... rebending a yielded spring might give you a temporary fix, but it RARELY leads to a permanent one ... if you are going to tear that thing down, fix it right the first time!
Ok after all the replies I am going to go for it and replace both the sear and sear spring myself. I have been reading and re-reading the step by step instructions and I think it's manageable. (maybe)

Before any of this happens I first need to acquire the right tools. So I will be looking for a decent gunsmith screwdriver and punch set for starters.

I need a new sear and sear spring but Numrich is sold out on both. So far attempts to access the parts, accessories page from the CZ-USA site has failed. Does anybody have the same problem? I have always had a hard time accessing their site for some reason. Maybe I will try some other retailers later?

If anybody wants to add some links that will help me obtain the above please post up.

I will keep everyone posted. If I get to the range tomorrow will shoot the gun a second time and hope for a miracle cure. HA!
update: well I got the sear from CZ but still waiting for them to restock the sear spring. I have inquired to their website as to how long before they have more in stock. No answer yet. I am starting to worry that this gun will be out of commission for awhile.
Mine was fixed without replacing the spring. I'd give it a try and see how it works. Look at it this way: it is the first time you totally disassemble and reassemble it that will be the hard one ... if you have to tear into it again to replace the spring once it becomes available, it'll be a walk in the park :D

And on the upside, it might fix it 100%.

Good luck,