What are your opinions regarding the CZ-75BD? I think a lot of the CZ-75 features are very nice (slide to frame interface, trigger mechanism, etc.), but do not have the need to carry a gun cocked & locked. I would like another 9mm just to do some informal paper punching with and to keep as a home defense weapon. I already own a Hi-Power, but the process of lowering the hammer on that (and, for that fact, on a CZ) makes me a little apprehensive about using it in home defense.
Anyway, what are your opinions regarding the CZ-75BD versus other 9mm double actions with a decocker? Also, does anyone know if the Kadet kit will work on the BD model?
Anyway, what are your opinions regarding the CZ-75BD versus other 9mm double actions with a decocker? Also, does anyone know if the Kadet kit will work on the BD model?