CZ-75 vs. Beretta 92FS

Whenever I goto the range, I always take my brother's Berretta 92FS 9mm. That gun is one of the most accurate/low recoil gun I have ever shot. Fit and finish is excellent.

Next is to compare it to my new Sig P228. I just hope my Sig will shoot as well as the Beretta.
Of the two, I prefer the CZ-75. For a 9mm, you have a smaller package (more concealable). The trigger is better in both the DA and the SA mode. Also, because my hands cannot be mistaken for bear paws, the CZ fits me better. Very pleasant to shoot too.

I sold my Beretta last year and I don't regret it.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I have both, the CZ fits my hand much better, what I don't like is the lack of a decocker. My wife actual tore a chunk out of her thumb trying to decock the weapon and having it go off. True it was her fault and 5 years latter she won't shoot the pistol any more. The 92 is great, magazines are cheap, it accurate, it fires all the time, but it is large. And for me it is hard to decock with my strong hand. However, flipping the safety off is no problem.
CZ75 is steel, heavy and built as stoutly as a Panzer tank. It's also very accurate and realiable. The trigger pull on the older models, before the rush to meet huge demand, is among the smoothest of factory DA autos. Preban hicaps are still around, CZ USA had them for $35 as of a few months ago.

The 92FS is aluminum, huge and some say prone to breaking the locking block. It's accurate, reliable and on some the trigger is quite mangeable. It's not for the small handed. As oneof my buddies in Latin America says, "them Americans must be giants to carry them Berettas." Preban hicaps are plentiful.

Let us know which one you choose.

So many pistols, so little money.
My vote goes to CZ75. Great shooter right out of the box. No mulfunction (2500 rounds). I saw 3 92FS jammed in the range. We're using same bullets (reloads).

I also have both pistols and I really like them both. I think the CZ is probably every bit as good as the Beretta and at a cheaper price. I've seen the CZ 75B selling for $300 NIB here in South Florida recently.

The CZ is slightly smaller and has a much better single action trigger. I consider the CZ a pretty fair target pistol. However, the CZ has a very looong reach in double action mode. Unless you have long fingers, you won't be using this gun in double action very often! The CZ also can be used cocked and locked (supposedly) if that is important to you.

The two big pluses of the 92 FS are its double action trigger pull and availability of parts and armorers. Just try to find a local gunsmith to work on your CZ trigger!

All in all, I recommend both guns. The true test is to try both, maybe one will fit your hand better...
As an addendum, my CZ is an older one with the prettier round trigger guard (can't stand that finger rest feature on the new ones).

The CZ-75 is available in several formats:

Cocked and Locked, Double Action only and Hammer Drop Safety (decocker).

CZ can give you the name of a couple of gunsmiths who they recommend to refit your gun if you want a Hammer Drop (or even ambidextrious safety) feature. Drop them a line. Me, I'm saving to buy a CZ97, but am waiting in hopes of an ambidextrious safety (I'm southpaw).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My vote is for the Beretta hands down, I've had about 10,000 rounds through mine with no stoppages, I've replaced a trigger return spring and that's the extent of what I've done to it. Still shoots 3in groups at 25 yds. Love the smoothness of the action, it's on the chunky side but I can manage no problem.
Greetings all. MY personal preference is for the CZ75, but the important thing is which one YOU prefer. One can still get factory 15 round magazines from CZ-USA for about $40 each. I also like the "cocked and locked" option that the CZ allows. Best.
I prefer the Beretta... looks alot better, and in my experience, more accurate.

AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
These two (CZ-75B and Beretta 92FS Centurion) happen to be the only two 9mm Parabellum-chambered guns I have left at the moment (though I have a Browning High Power on the way). I'll try to give an impartial assessment of the two, as I see them, below.

Beretta 92FS (mine is a Centurion model)


1. Outstanding reliability.
2. Smoothly contoured design, particularly the grip.
3. Very good accuracy (straight moving barrel).
4. Wide availability of armorers, parts and magazines.


1. Questions of durability (aluminum frame, locking lugs, etc. etc.).
2. Large size (particularly the grip).
3. Gritty and heavy trigger (rectified by a trigger job).
4. DA/SA or DAO-only (unless you buy $1,000+ ones specially made in Italy).
5. High price (unless used).

CZ-75 (mine is a B variant)


1. Outstanding grip ergonomics.
2. Flexible safety modes (DA/SA or SA).
3. Reputation of durability and strength (steel frame and slide-in-frame design).
4. Tight fit.
5. Very thin (good for IWB carry, I guess).
6. Inexpensive ($330 for me!) and inexpensive high-caps ($40 from the factory).


1. Largish size (still smaller than Beretta).
2. Lack of widely available armorers, parts and etc.
3. Lack of a decocker (unless you get the decocker-only version, the BD variant).

If I had to choose between the two, I'd take the CZ-75. The price differential is merely a bonus.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
I own a CZ-85, I do not own a Beretta. My CZ is feels the best in my hand of any gun after a Browning HP and give the HP a run for first. I prefer cocked and locked carry so had mine converted to SA only. Out of the box it was one of the most accurate centerfire pistols I own. It is slim for IWB carry. All steel. The only thing I do not like is the lip on the frontstrap down by the mag well (to hard to checker).
I think you need to shoot/handle them both and decide for yourself. I have two Beretta's that I got used for not much more than the price of a new one. It points naturally for me and for a gun you would want to shoot or carry Double action first shot the ability to Decock the gun without the chance of the hammer slipping forward and having an accidental discharge is a plus.

At the same time I have a friend who has a CZ75 and that gun works just as good for me as the Beretta. A grip like a Hi-Power, accurate, reliable, a very good gun.

I don't think you will go wrong with either one. Number one is to get the one you want or you won't be happy.
I had a 92F--and it was nice to look at.I
borrowed my sons CZ75 and that was the end
of the Beretta.
The CZ has a better trigger,points better and
has a better grip--all important components
of shooting well.
I also like the cocked and locked carry but
that's just a personal preference.
I suggest you take both of them to the range
and put a few hundred rounds thru them.Then
you'll know for sure.
I would support everyone and say that you should shoot them first, prior to buying anything. I own a Beretta Brigader in 9mm, and have no gripes about it at all. The CZ has a smaller overall grip, which is a plus when comparing these 2 handguns. I like the CZ, but would still opt for the Beretta as it fits the best in my hand. Both are a fine choice. Good luck and safe shooting...mike

I own both in 40s&w, not 9mm, so here is my perspective.

96 beretta is utterly reliable, and has never once failed to feed, fire or eject in 3 years of shooting. Sharp recoil in full loads. Good accuracy and I like the safety decocker. Till I got a 10mm witness, it was my standard truck gun because of its reliability.

P9 Ultra (springfield armories cz75 clone in 40s&w) all steel, very mild recoil. Very accurate, good reliability (somewhat picky on lead reloads) and very solid. I like the DA and the SA cocked and locked for carry. Decided it was to nice and accurate of a gun to risk carring and only use it at the target range.

If I were to pick only one it would depend upon my reason. If it was to carry, get the beretta, reliable and accurate. If it was to shoot at a target range, P9, very accurate and beautiful trigger.