
Just purchased a new PCR. Really nice gun. It was between it and a Sig228 which I really like also. I shot 250 rounds through it today without a single problem. It took every type of ammo I could give it.

Now I get home and give it a good cleaning. Then load up some JHP's, chamber and round and.... misfeed. As a matter of fact it either jams with the round in the chamber and I can't pull the slide back or misfeeds all the time now. Did I do something wrong? I'm thinking maybe to much oil? I don't think I put very much at all on it. I'll take it apart and clean it again tomorrow. This is a little disturbing for a brand new gun that was going to be my CCW. I cleaned it the same as I have any other gun. But it did work fine today, before I cleaned it, so I don't know.

Any ideas?

Also anyone know were to get hi-cap mags for it? How about a good holster for concealed carry?

Hi tucor,

I'd guess the chamber is really tight. I've noticed on my CZ-75 full size that it was difficult to rack the slide manually when I first got it with my HP (corbon 115gr). It has never failed to fire and function perfectly in many hundreds of rounds so I suspect the chambers are just tight. They are much tighter than on a glock 19 for instance. I can tell by droping the same round in the barells of both (disasembled barells that is!) I found with my full size CZ that it has gotten much better with time shooting. Now I don't think it gives me any trouble racking the slide manually on a HP. Let it wear in .

I also have a PCR and it gave me less trouble and it SWEET now. I love the PCR.

As for the misfeed problem. Does it do that with both the mags or just one? If one it may be a bad mag spring. If both it may be because you are not forcefully cycling the slide. Sometimes not pulling the slide all the way back and letting it slam forward on spring power will cause misfeeds in autos. They are meant to cycle with full spring power and manually holding the slide back a little will cause misfeeds. Try another mag and try just pulling back forefully and letting it slam forward by letting go.

Hi caps.. Not in the USA. They are rare as rubies. Not enough were imported prior to hi cap ban. full size hi caps will fit though. CZ-USA will sell those to you for about $50 each. Pro-mag brand hi caps work great too. I've never had a misfeed or failure with my hi cap Promags for the CZ75.

PS sorry the CZ forum is screwed up again. United forums is making us all mad. I saw you tried to post there a couple of times.

Your experiences are different...

Tucor, your experiences are different than mine. My PCR has been flawless. I think it is a great pistol fot the price and with a 13 round magazine it would give a High-Power a run for the money. With all this said I am not sure it compares well with a P228 which costs a lot more. Why? My P228 has a S/A trigger pull that rivals a tuned 1911A1 trigger. I like both pistols but sadly prefer the P228. Regards, Richard
PCR has been flawless


Put at least 500 rounds through it before you start to troubleshoot and worry too much. Mine has been flawless from the first magazine. It feeds anything and is very accurate. Everyone I know loves their PCR and if you continue to have problems, CZ will make it right.

P.S. I chose the PCR over a Sig 225 which was "on sale" NIB for $430 at the same gunshop. The PCR was $399, so not much different in price. I liked the feel of the PCR's grips better as well as the additional 2 rounds in the mag, plus I'm a big CZ fan anyway. I also found the PCR trigger in DA and SA, much better than the Sig's so I'm surprised about the previous post on hte 228. I do like double stacks better (except for the P7M8). Should have bought them both like everyone recommends. :(

Attn: Pilot

Pilot, I guess each pistol is different and so are the choices made by purchasers. In your case I would have bought the new P225 and saved the money for the PCR. Why? I don't see too many P225 pistols and they have very good reputations. Regards, Richard
So much for that

I'd have gotten the P225. CZ PCRs will be around for a long time at low prices. P225s are discontinued as of this year. Just watch how high the prices will start climbing real soon.

Anyway, this thread is about a PCR, so here's my take. The CZ chambers are tight and they're designed for FMJ. Did you have trouble at home or at the range? Because the slide moves a lot faster and with greater force when firing some rounds that jam when manually working the slide function just fine on the range. Don't let a home test working of the slide give you worries. If you're having trouble at the range, try different kinds of JHP until you find one that works. Look for one that has as close a possible shape to a FMJ as this will permit smoother feeding.

CZ75s are fine and good, except for a few real POS that make it past otherwise good quality control. I had a real POS CZ75 that was so poorly put together that the safety flew off the frame. I've also personally seen at least two CZ75 Compacts (not PCRs mind you) choke with different types of factory FMJ. This doesn't mean that all CZ75s are bad, it just means that a lemon can get by anyone.
My PCR is fine. Dont take stock in Hand cycling. Fire about 300rds of FMJ before trying Hollow points. Also My PCR likes HOT loads. It will FTF useing lightly loaded range ammo. But with 124gr Gold dots, 115 Hydra shocks and Federal American eagle 124 grn FMJ its flawless.
Attn Richard & Tecolote:

Hello guys,

Thanks for the advice. I know the Sig 225 has been discontinued and that is the reason I seriously considered it. In the end I wanted a carry piece, not a collector piece and I think the PCR is a great carry piece and a superior firearm all around. I'll leave my Lugers and Broomhandles for the "collection". I've bought too many guns because they are "discontinued" or "getting rare" and they sit in my safe and never come out. To me this is a waste.

If you really want a 225, another local dealer near me has one with nite sights for around $550. Hmmm, maybe I'll....

Pilot, if you like the rubber grips on the PRC try the factory wood ones. They make for one of the smallest grips I have seen on a double stack pistol. Regards, Richard
pcr reliability

I had an FEG 9mm that worked with win JHPs but would not chamber rem jhp's. I suspect your problem is overall length of your cartridges which are too long to feed well and engaging the rifling making it hard to eject a loaded round from the chamber. rc
Richard & Tecolote

Both you guys are class acts. Thanks for the heads up on the 225 and the wood grips for the PCR. It was a VERY tough choice between the two and I just may have to add a Sig to my "collection" for the heck of it. I'd probably go with a 228 as I lean towards the double stack sized grips. Thanks.

"...on the PRC try the factory wood ones." -- Richard

Where can I find these? Do they come on the Compact with steel frame?

Wood Grips for PRC

Zander, I ordered them direct from CZ-USA. I think the cost was about $60 but well worth it to me. Can I think of a better grip? Yes, I would like to Ahrends or Spegel make grips for the PRC. Do I want to do anything else to my PRC? Yes, I plan to get Novak Night Sights for it down the road. They worked wonders on my CZ75. Right now I am tight for money as I have a lot of projects in the works. Regards, Richard
"...It was a VERY tough choice between the two and I just may have to add a Sig to my "collection" for the heck of it. I'd probably go with a 228 as I lean towards the double stack sized grips..." --- Pilot

Hey Pilot: Glad to hear you and the PCR are still getting along so well. I've been trying my best not to "talk you into" any new firearms lately.

As with you, I too like the PCR's grips. They're shaped in a manner that makes the PCR the most comfortable pistol I own. And as we seem to have similar tastes in firearms, it doesn't surprise me that you like the feel of the SIG 228. If you recall, I recently picked up a SIG 220 (.45acp). While I was at it, I handled the other SIGs in the case. And I've got to tell you, the 225 is one sweet pistol. I realize its capacity is small compared to some, but I think I could learn to deal with it...

On the other hand, I also took a liking to the 229 (in .357SIG/.40s&w). I think the one below would be a fine addition to the gun safe, don't you?


And similar to the PCR, it fits my hand like a glove --- Gee, I hope I didn't just cause you to spend still more money. ;)

And by the way, I finally got to handle an H&K P7. I went to an indoor range near the Space Center while on vacation in Florida. They had a used one in the case for $700. Beautiful pistol. Wish it didn't have to cost so darn much.

Anyway, take care bud. Marko
Hey Marko! Welcome Back!

Nice to hear form you Marko. Yes the PCR has been flawless and as you can see I picked it over the vaunted and now rarer Sig 225. (I'll probably get the Sig someday just because) Very tough choice, but is now my backpacking/everyday carry gun. I just can't see carrying a Sig or an HK P7 in the woods, but the PCR is a no brainer. If I drop it in a creek or get some dirt on it, so what? (just kidding, I wouldn't even drop a Jennings in a creek). Take care!

Pilot, just my luck! Just when I started to hold my CZ75 PRC in the same esteem as my Glock 19, Sig P228, and Walther P88 I learn from you it is a beater (lol). I like the way the PRC feels in my hand almost as well as a Browning High-Power. Regards, Richard
Just kidding Richard!

Richard. IMHO and many others, the PCR is every bit as good if not better than the pistols you mention. I was yanking Marko's chain as usual. I find the accuracy and, fit and finish on the PCR up to Sig, Glock and HK standards. Gotta love that polymer finish! The price is a little better though, at least for now.

Marko. Yeah, that's a nice looking Sig. Its a tough choice between the 225, 228, 226, 229 and 220.

And we haven't even gotten into the Walther P-5 or the Vanad yet!!! LOL! Is this a sickness or what?

Pilot: You just had to mention the Vanad and the P-5, didn't you? You're going to be the death of my wallet yet!

Take care. Marko