CZ 75 compact-85 / Glock 17-19: Pick 2


New member
Want to purchase a 9mm (or two). It will bring down ammo cost, allow high cap mags, but would hate to purchase another type of ammo for only one gun.

Like the Glock 17 and the 19 seems real interesting. It does not make sense to own both? They seem very similar.

The CZs also seem interesting. I am a lefty and the 85 makes a lot of sense. Have heard good things about the 75 compact.

I prefer single action feel ala 1911. The Glock trigger is fine. Have not made up my mind on safety vs. decocker. Would like to use the pistols for competition and possible CCW. A couple of high capacity mags are a must.

Go with the CZ. I like the heft of steel and the feel of their trigger over the Glock, plus it'll be cheaper for you all'round(ammo, initial cost of gun, etc.).

They`re all very fine pistols. The 17 won`t do anything the 19 won`t do and the 19 is easier to conceal. I shot a friend`s 19 quite a bit and I like it a lot (for a Glock ;) ). Then of course I have a CZ-75B. I like the feel of the CZ better and it`s more accurate than the Glock but it`s somewhat larger and it`s heavier. On the other hand it`s thinner through the slide which makes it really comfy for IWB carry. It seems like the new compart CZs are decockers but conventional versions were available and may still be. Hi caps are much cheaper for the full size CZs than the Glocks but they`re hard to find for the compacts and pricier. You won`t go wrong either way but I`d go for the CZ. Marcus

Another vote for the CZ combo here. I have both a 75 and a 75 Compact and love them both. Very accurate, reliable and great triggers. The CZs cost way less than the Glocks also if that is a consideration. You can still get standard 15 round magazines for the full size CZ-75 for $40 and they will work in the compact. The 13 rounders for the compact are very hard to come by and -very- pricey if you do find them. The only edge the Glocks have (in my opinion) is weight. The CZs are steel framed pistols. They feel great in your hand but they do weigh more than the polymer Glocks. Might be a consideration if you're going to be carrying it all day long. The Compact does fine for me in that role though.

One other thing to think about. Cz has a factory .22LR conversion kit called the Kadet that will fit either the full size 75 or the Compact. Very accurate kit and great for cheap practice.

What's the gun going to be for?

Although the CZ is a great gun in it's own right it's no Glock when it comes to reliability, durability, maintenance. It won't tolerate as much dirt, it needs more oiling, and it won't stand to as many hot rounds without parts brakeage. However it's generally more accurate, hi caps are cheaper, mags last longer (or indefinitely), it's cheaper, and .22 conversion kit (that weighs the same as the real thing) is a big plus, and it fits most hands better.

So if you are on the budget, go with CZ-75. 85 will cost you more (I am a lefty too), and the only way to carry them is cocked and locked, DA sucks.

Otherwise go G-19. Hell you may be able to buy CZ later as an enjoyment piece, and to impress people at the range with accuracy from a $320 gun.
Hard to beat Glocks for reliability and function. They just have so few moving parts that they are inherently more reliable than other firearms of similar function. I also like the fact that the trigger pull is the same every single time on the Glocks as opposed to most other autos that are double/single.

My carry gun is a G19, but I would submit that you aren't going to go wrong either way.

Have you shot any or all of the guns you are contemplating purchasing? If not, I'd suggest it before you make your final decision. In my opinion, it would be worth the range time and rental fee to get some peace of mind about spending $1000 or so.
CZ 75;

Glock 9mms just are not terribly accurate. They are fine for combat, but 4+" groups honestly don't impress me. I like the accuracy, ergonomics, and all steel design of the CZ much better......
HHmmmm .. . .

What police or military forces in the US issue the CZ as a duty sidearm? None to my knowldge.

What does the US Marshals, Secret Service, the DEA, the FBI, most SAs from federal LE agencies, and most local and federal SWAT teams carry?


Don't kid yourself. Saving $50 or $100 on the purchase will bite you when you find out that CZ will only fetch you 50 percent on trade in. There isn't a big market for them for a reason.

And where is CZtalk? Accessories? Holsters?

I haven't seen a relaoding recipe shot out of a CZ in 3 years. What does that tell you?

15 year old Glock 17s are selling with a pair of hi caps for $395-400 and new at $479. That's an 84 percent residual value.

And how many CZ's have past the 500K mark? I have several Glock shooters at my range that pump 2,000 rounds a month through their Glocks in IPSC and rifle league for the past three years and that doesn't include their practice work.

And 4" groups are not groups. That's just double tapping or rapid firing on the target. Most proficient Glocksters can achieve sub 2" groups out to 25 yards with practice and proper technique. That is the Glock standard of accuracy. Seems like some of need to work on breath control, trigger control, sight picture, our stances, grip control, and grip follow through. don't blame the gun.

If you talk to shooters with several different types and brands of guns, you will find that most will tell you that if they could only have one 9mm, it would be a G19 followed by the G17. According to one of WA state's best shooters, a SWAT firearms instructor, "my Glock 23 is just as accurate as most of my 1911s up the 25 yard mark. Then it's the 1911 I go with."

Save your money and buy the gun you'll covet and be proud of .
glock, or cz

having shot both extensively now. i would say go with the cz.

everyone talks about glock durability. they are great, but i have had more problems with glocks (not many at all) than with cz's. another nice thing. i was shooting next to a guy i know who blew up his glock right next to me. his pistol had been fired quite often and was dirty. glocks of course can be fired out of battery. his glock 30 went into pieces. luckily he suffered only superficial tearing and burning of his skin on his hands. thankfully, the cz can't be fired out of battery.
cz fits my hand better. i too am left handed. you can get holsters through blade-tech, tritium sights through trijicon, parts through cz-usa. if you know where to look, accessories are not a prob. the reason almost every cop in the land has gone with a glock is the reason police departments all across the land always jump on band-wagons. it is their herd-mentality.
since some big department uses a pistol and swears by it, then they will go along.
the cz is inexpensive, so people tend to look down on them. i shoot close to 1,000 rounds per week through my cz. no problems. trigger much nicer than a glock. much better pointability for me.
glocks work fine. cz's work better.
Most proficient Glocksters can achieve sub 2" groups out to 25 yards with practice and proper technique

Sub 2" groups are rare from most Glocks IME. When I benchrest test Glocks (including my own), the only Glocks that have gotten these sub 2" groups for me were the 21, 30 and 35. The other models were far from sub 2" groups. Try 3" groups with good ammo and average groups of over 4" with cheaper ammo.

Glocks in general have plenty of combat accuracy, but I have yet to see them consistently deliver Sig Sauer level accuracy except for a few select models.....

Finally......a warning about Glock and 1911 fanatics. Don't ever disagree with their premise that Glocks/1911's are "God's gift to the shooting community". If you do, they will BBQ you alive (with "flames")! ;) Seriously, I do like Glocks but having shot every model (except the 32 and 33) I can see both their good AND bad characterics rather clearly. IME, Glocks are solid pistols, but NOT PERFECT! :)

[Edited by Quantum Singularity on 02-08-2001 at 01:27 PM]
Go Glock

I would go the Glock route but a slightly different variation than you are thinking of. I would go with the Glock 19 as it is the most size efficient service pistol I know of. The second pistol would be a Glock 26. The subcompact Glocks perform beyond what they should be capable of. With the Glock 26 you can use the Glock 19 magazines with an A&G adapter and swear you are using a Glock 19. You can even use the Glock 19 barrel in the Model 26. Food for thought. Regards, Richard
Shoot both, see which one fits you best.

The CZ75 and Glock are a wash when it comes to reliability and durability. They're both idiot simple to break down for cleaning. Spare parts are no problem for either.

The Glock 19 is smaller, lighter, and has more accessories available for it. This may or may not matter to you (it doesn't to me.)

The CZ75 is an all-steel gun, so it's heavier. It has a far better trigger pull out of the box. It can be carried cocked-and-locked, if that's your game. 15-round factory magazines go for about half the price of factory Glock full-caps. Most aftermarket magazines for the CZ fit and function well (I've personally had good luck with ProMags,) and are yet cheaper.

Ergonomics? Well, the Glock has a lower bore axis, but seems to have more muzzle flip. It also tends to point low, while the CZ comes up from low ready with the sights on the target, every time. This is something that you have to try out for yourself.

I went with the CZ75. Glocks just don't do it for me. Pay your money and make your choice. Just make sure to try both guns out yourself, first.

Good luck,
What has been your experience with the CZ Compacts? I am particularly interested in the LW Compacts. Jerry

[Edited by JerryM on 02-08-2001 at 05:40 PM]