CZ-75 BD for IDPA?


New member
I have been thinking about getting a gen specifically for IDPA. I want a CZ of some sort. The BD version is cheapest right now, but the standard B is only a few dollars more. There is also a used pre-B available for under $400 which I am considering. Now, for IDPA the BD could only be used in SSP is that correct? The decocker might be nice since you have to start with the hammer down. I don't have any problem lowering hammers on live rounds though. Have done it for years with revolvers and other semi-autos.

Anyone shoot any of these guns for IDPA and can make a reccomendation?

Also wonder about poly-cote durability with lots of holster time, vs. either nickel or blued finish...
I have a CZ-75B. I have not shot IDPA yet, but I have been shooting IPSC with it.

Frankly, I love the gun. In IPSC you can use hi-cap mags and the availability of cheap hi-caps is a nice plus.

In IPSC I always start cocked and locked to get the nice SA trigger pull on the first shot from the holster.

If I understand IDPA correctly, you can shoot two classes with a 75B -- SSP or ESP. You can start hammer down in SSP (by lowering it manually) or cocked and locked in ESP.

By getting a BD, you can't apply a safety when the gun is cocked, so you cant (and I would think wouldnt want to) start with the hammer cocked.

In my opinion, especially if you are comfortable de-cocking the gun, the 75B gives you more flexibility.

You wont regret getting a 75 though. Mine has run about a thousand rounds of the cheapest WalMart stuff I could find without a single hitch. It runs better than some of the $2000 race guns I go up against.
Two seasons of IDPA SSP with a CZ 75; easing the hammer down for a DA start. But mine is an old Czechoslovakian gun, a "pre-B" with long sharply serrated hammer spur . Don't know if I would care to do that on a regular basis with the current burr hammer. You would probably be better off with the decocker version for SSP or get the standard model and carry it cocked and locked in ESP. It will keep up with the .38 Supers right well.
The gentleman who won the title of Wisconsim IDPA Sate Champion for 2002 I believe was shooting a CZ75BD. He not only was the winning SSP shooter (starting with hammer down) but beat everyone else in all division (ESP, CDP, SSR). That being said, I bet he would have won with a Glock, Beretta, etc. if he had chosen to. Sate Matches are a nice opportunity to see a level of shooter not often found at the club level.:)
Like Mr Watson said, the 75B is best used in ESP, cocked & locked.
While possible to use hammer down in SSP, I have avoided it due to the DA trigger being a bit of a reach for my fingers, I can do it, but it's not comfortable (for me, short fingers).
When I got a Sig to shoot in SSP, I had some trouble; kept trying to apply a thumb safety that wasn't there!:rolleyes:
That's what comes from using the CZ and a 1911 most of the time; manual of arms is ingrained, I have to practice more with the decocker and REALLY pay attention when using the SIG in competition!
But, I digress; the CZ is an excellant choice whichever version you choose. If I had it to do over, I'd get the CZ 75B compact though. It's a bit smaller, all steel and same controls as it's big brother:cool:
Makarov, you can't go wrong with any CZ. I shoot 2 for IDPA; a P-01 for SSP and a 75 SA in ESP. The SA has done me good in the 2+ years I've been shooting it and I have the same exact setup as a back up. The P-01 is compact as you know but it holds it's own anytime.

The finish on my SA has held well after all the holster draws etc.