CZ 550FS 6.5x55 Issues


Hey everyone,

Was on here about a month ago looking for suggestions for my first rifle purchase. Ended up going with a CZ 550FS and I fired it for the first time this morning but things did not go smoothly. I cleaned it prior to shooting. Out of 20 rounds about 3 out of 5 times cycling the bolt it would not be cocked. When it happened, there would be little resistance when pushing the bolt handle down, the cocking indicator showed nothing, and the gun would not fire. I made sure the bolt was absolutely all the way rear each time, but it made no difference. They only thing that seemed to helped was moving the bolt fast and very hard, but this did not solve it completely. Does anyone know what this could be?

I thought it was maybe the PPU ammo I was running through it, but it did the same thing with a couple rounds of Norma Onyx, and also when it isn't even loaded. I sat here a bit ago after cleaning and cycled it, and sure enough its still having the issue.
I don't see the trigger being the issue.

Cock takes place on opening of the bolt, not the close.

I should cocks as you lift the handle.

If the trigger is so off or a bad part in their, adjusting is not going to do any good.

I would call CZ before I got into the gun.
No stupid question but your instruction manual should show you a diagram. There should be two stock screws (flathead) and probably another screw on the front of the stock since you have a manlicher stock.

I found this link.

Also, when torquing the stock screws, make sure not to overtighten. If possible go 25-30 in lbs. or no more than 1/8 turn past snug.

Also, the gun will not stay cocked if the trigger is pulled or off and acting like it is pulled from improper adjustment.
Messed around with the rifle a bit after your suggestion for the trigger. If I am not too rough or fast with it, I can completely cycle the bolt endlessly and it will not cock. When it was doing this, I kept the bolt at the rear and touched the trigger slightly and it felt like something engaged with a audible click. When I pushed the bolt forward, it was cocked.

If this is what the problem is, I am guessing I need to increase the weight for both the set trigger and normal trigger?
If you follow the instructions in the link it will get you a great trigger on both the single set and standard trigger. The CZ 550 has a fully adjustable trigger. You can adjust overtravel, etc. Set the trigger per the instructions and you can adjust it to the lightest setting it will take safely with no issues. I have had mine adjusted like this on my 550 and wife's 527 and they work flawlessly.

You will learn exactly how the trigger works and also get in there and be able to clean and lube everything up.
Stupid question, but where can I find a guide on removing the action from the stock?

I strongly encourage you to take it to a gunsmith. If you don't know how to remove the bolt and can't figure it out, don't mess with the trigger. I have no idea how to remove that bolt but bet I could figure it out pretty quick!
I can remove the bolt, and take it apart no problem but had never taken the barrel and receiver out (sorry, got mixed up on the terminology). Just got done putting it all back together a few minutes ago.

Got the trigger adjusted to where I wanted it using the instructions, but the mechanism highlighted in the picture (sear?) still would not return to the upward position after cycling the bolt. If I touched it, it would. Used some spray gun cleaner and then cycled it about 20 times, and it hasn't done it again. Possible some grease or a metal shaving could cause a problem as serious as this?

Also, am I good to dry fire this quite a bit more just to make sure its functioning correctly? Did not want to over do it.

It is possible some debris got into that area or into the area where the bolt interacts with the trigger group. Make sure everything is really clean and check to make sure nothing looks damaged or cracked. You can dry fire it without damage as it is a center fire rifle. When cycling the action, do it slowly and watch the way it works. It should work whether you cycle fast or slow. You could have a burr hanging it up. I would cycle and dry fire it a bunch to make sure everything works perfectly. If it keeps giving you issues and you don't feel comfortable with working on the gun yourself, give CZ a call and they will take care of you.
While it is true that "cock on opening" actions compress the firing pin spring on opening, they will "uncock" on closing unless the trigger mechanism holds the cocked state as the bolt is closed. A standard way of putting a "cocks on opening" rifle away uncocked is to hold the trigger back as one closes the bolt.

So I'm inclined to concur with the poster who suggested that the trigger was far enough out of adjustment as not to hold sear engagement.
You bought a defective rifle. Perhaps it is merely out of adjustment, but it should never have left the factory that way. Contact the maker before you get too involved with trying to fix it.
You can call CZ. I did it for mine with the same problem. It is the trigger. Adjust and enjoy! I have adjusted 5 guns now. This is what they sent me.

Yes screw behind the trigger is the one for sear engagement. And I have heard of this happened. Back it out a couple turns then it should work. Then cock the gun and turn the screw in slowly until it fires. At that point back it off a quarter of a turn and you should be set up with a nice trigger. If all this does not happen make sure that the screw is tight that holds the trigger to the receiver. And if all else fails I can bring the gun in here and see what is going on.
What cleaner did you use? Some products dry into a sticky film if not fully removed, some could've drained down into your trigger group and was too sticky for the trigger spring to overcome so the sear would drag alot of times and not engage. Could also be cosmoline but i doubt it. More likely to be a burr, out of adj that bad, or the sear being sticky.

Hopefully you got it fixed, the 6.5x55 in a CZ 550fs is a fun and really nice rifle that happens to also be a lethal combo! Running the set trigger off a bench when set nice and light lends itself to some good groups usually. Happy shooting!

Ps: If you have more trouble with the rifle i wouldn't hesitate to give CZ a call. They have great cust service and will make it right, i have no doubt. Good luck.