Cylinder stop timing issue


New member
I've done some work on revolvers before. But this charter arms - it does take some notes from a smith and Wesson but how do I go about getting the cylinder stop to stay down just a tad longer ? I have one where it pops up so early it goes back into the notch it left and prevents the cylinder from rotating. I replaced it with a new one which solved the problem but it pops back up just after the notch has left alignment with the cylinder stop so I fear any amount of where could result in my original problem again.
It sounds like a problem with the hand possibly being too short and not starting the cylinder around early enough, or a worn trigger dropping the cylinder stop too soon.

The stop should pop back up just after the notch swings past and clears the stop, where it then rubs the outside of the cylinder, until it falls into the next notch. It should pop up right beside the trailing edge of the slot, or just a little after it, probably no more than a 1/32" gap between the side of the stop and the edge of the notch, or less.

The hand should start to turn the cylinder just as the stop comes out of the notch on the cylinder, and just enough to where it will clear it. If there's any delay, the hand might be worn down, as James mentioned. The upward motion of the hand is stopped by the cylinder stop falling into the next notch, which indexes it. However, there is enough play between the nose of the hand and the ratchet, and the hands connection to the trigger, that the sear will travel enough to release.