Cylinder & Slide Hi-Power Springs? Advice Needed.


New member
Hi Everyone!

I have a recent-production Hi-Power that I am trying to decrease the trigger pull weight on. I've already removed the magazine safety and that made a huge difference. However, I'd like it a little bit lighter.

I was on the Cylinder & Slide website and they had a replacement hammer and firing pin spring set for around $13 called the "tactical" spring kit or something like that. It said it's supposed to reduce pull by about 2.5 lbs. Anyone had any experience with these? Do they reduce pull that much? Also, how hard is it to replace these myself? I'm not a gunsmith, but am fairly intelligent and somewhat competent.
Hi Martowski:
I also have a recent(FN) HiPower.It had the most atrocious trigger pull I've ever seen in a semi-auto.I installed the C&S trigger pull reduction kit you described in my HiPower.I also installed the Commander-style hammer and wide trigger.It was well worth the money and effort.

Having an exploded diagram of the pistol is the best way,but if you're mechanically inclined you can do it in less than an hour.If you decide to do it and have trouble,post here and I'll be glad to walk you through it.

Good luck!
Are there any instructions on line that explains how to remove the magazine safety on a BHP? Would like to do so on mine.
I don't recall exactly how I did it, and I don't have it right in front of me right now. I recall that the pin holding the trigger to the frame needs to be knocked out (be careful not to scratch the frame; I used a thin wood dowel). After that, the mag. safety pretty much comes out. Here's a better tip for instructions, though: go over the the Handguns forum and ask Stephen Camp for instructions. He's a Hi-Power fan that's always willing to lend a helping hand.