cylinder notches

Henry P

New member
Does anyone know why manufacturers don't put them between the cylnders in the interest of stength. It seems Ruger offset them, but why didn't they just put them in the thickest part(like they do for the 5 shot cylinders). Probably a simple answer to this, hoping someone can enlighten me.
Part of it is purely design dictated by the fact that you don't have much choice of where to put the notch on a 6-shot gun.

If you look at the cylinder in a 6-shot, you'll notice that each chamber is directly opposite the one on the other side of the cylinder. That's because each chamber is at a 60 degrees angle from the centerline of the cylinder. Three 60-degree segments is 180 degrees, or 1/2 of a circle.

On a 5-shot pistol, each chamber is at a 72 degree angle from the centerline of the cylinder, meaning that when the top chamber is lined up with the bore, the two chambers on the bottom are offset from the centerline of the cylinder. That pretty much guarantees that the notches are offset from the center of the chamber.

In order to put the locking notch between the chambers, you have to offset the location of the locking bolt in the bottom of the frame. Since that area isn't all that wide, it's a bit harder, but not impossible to do mechanically.

I hope I've explained this adequately, as I was finding it hard to describe so that I could understand what I was saying. :)
it does seem obvious until you realise that colt has its notches between it chambers in the I-frame (python) and D-frame (detective special/diamondback)...both six-shooters. colt offsets their locking bolts toward the solid side of their frames
mike - i hope you didn't take it as a slam against you, because thats not how it was meant...i throught your post was very informative.

sometimes i rail against the acceptence of how things are (notches over the chambers) just because its easier (s&w) than doing it right (colt/ruger) ;)...we won't even talk about the cylinders turning the wrong way :)