No validity. IOW, a S&W M19 is going to be less bulky than a Colt Trooper MKIII. Given that both are 357 Magnums. A Colt Police Positive Special in 38 Special is going to give a slimmer profile than a Ruger GP-100. Both are 6 shot revolvers. The point is, find what works and fits you. There are some who CCW 4" 44 Magnums. They can control the weapon, conceal it and that is where you need to head. What fits your hands? What level of power do you really need/desire? Who makes concealment rigs for what you want to carry? What wardrobe changes can you make to better conceal a weapon? I know several people who CCW Ruger single actions. There are concealment rigs for them. I had a female friend who was 100 lbs and she CCWd a Ruger P-95. That is not a small pistol.