Cybill Shepherd for US President??

From the Australian newspaper Herald Sun:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Star prepares for her greatest role

WARREN Beatty might have bowed out of the race for the US presidency, but apparently Hollywood star Cybill Shepherd is made of sterner stuff.

The star of defunct TV favorites Cybill and Moonlighting breezed into Melbourne yesterday refusing to count herself out of the greatest starring role of all ... in the White House.

"I am looking at ways of serving the American people," was the statesman-like reply from the outspoken actor, who claims to have missed out on many movie roles because she always spoke her mind.

She said she was urged to stand for the presidency because the only other female candidate was an anti-abortionist.

"I was asked to stand to put up the pro-choice side of the argument and things just started from there," she said.

When asked whether she was committed to running for America's highest office, she replied: "Well, we're talking about it aren't we?"

"I think it is crucial that the next president is pro-choice ..."[/quote]

There's more at:

OK, so she's pro-choice ... anyone know what her stance is on RKBA and firearms ownership in general?? (And don't laugh -- Ronald Reagan made it, didn't he?)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"I am looking at ways of serving the American people,"[/quote]

Great, I have a sinkful of dishes, a basket of dirty diapers, and windows that need cleaning

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Housekeeping hints from Gary:

Use paper plates (after all, paper plates and the microwave oven made the institution of marriage obsolete). Better yet, if you cook, eat out of the pots you cook from. I do.

Diapers - burn them (or use a diaper service).

Dirty Windows - what windows?

On the issue of Cybil Shepard for Prez: Will she work to limit the size of the Supreme Court to its present number? Will she support our 2nd Amendment Right and work towards abolishing the GCA '94 and the MG ban of Bush? Will she support Tort reform? And when she's finished with the chores at DC's farm, my floors need waxing and I've a pine tree which needs to be shortened.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Ohhh ... like that, is it? I sorta thought it might've been halfway serious.

Well, I guess she is blonde. (Arms folded over head, runs for cover.) ;)

Gary even easier out here in so cal, eat in your truck after going through drive thru then throw trash on floor of passenger side [where you never have to sit] no pots no pans no paper plates. As to the windows let the rain or hose take care of them. As to diapers there are some things women are better at.
I remember seeing her in the buff in "The Last Picture Show".
I can't imagine her chances being very good.
And for politics, it's more rare for anyone in Hollywood to be conservative than liberal.
I'm fairly certain Cybil is anti-gun.
As for her always "speaking her mind", that would explain why her political statements are so short ... low RAM.
Actually, Shepherd is pro-gun, though I don't know to what extent. There's a quote on the dustcover of the original "Armed and Female" by Paxton Quigley by Shepherd, but I don't recall what it was...
Cybill Sheppard is outstandingly pro-gun. Her "speaking her mind" remark is probably referring to her pro-gun stance, an unpopular opinion in Hollywood to say the least. I am thouroughly baffled by the hostile reactions from TFL.
I don't think I was hostile. She made a quote and this is how she could serve me best.
I've never heard anything of a political nature from her, pro-gun or otherwise. I have heard of her teenage dates with Elvis Presley; her distaste for cosmetic surgery and I hardly thinks that qualifies as a reason to seriously consider her a viable presidential candidate.

Basically I'm sick and tired of entertainers, regardless of their political beliefs, declaring themselves presidential candidates when they aren't serious about it, don't do anything like even file and its just more puff media BS and PR mileage. At least Liddy Dole actually did something, she filed, she campaigned and actually worked at it. I was no supporter of Ms Dole but I can at least respect her effort. Cybil declares and as the audacity to imply she is in the same league as Ms Dole. Get real
Personally I think its just another indication of how tweeked and distorted our country has become, and the low level of respect we all have for the Presidency.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited December 09, 1999).]
Cybill is a local girl, she's from Memphis. Everytime she comes home, the media has to go see her and put her on TV. I gotta tell ya, she ain't shy about speaking her mind. More than once she's embaressed the mayor and city council by blasting their latest stupid move. I like the way she thinks, alot like us. Now that you say she is pro-gun, I'd probably vote for her.
Too bad she ain't got a prayer of winning.
If Ms Shepherd has political aspirations, maybe she should start with the Memphis city council. I know only a few things about her. John Lott, Jr. mentions she has a carry permit in his latest work. If anyone can provide information that she actively promotes this for all citizens, then I will try to thank her personally. I am tired of celebrities who confuse being liked with an ability to lead. In an acceptance speech she particularly thanked the Wiccan goddess. With apologies to Ms Shepherd and devout Pagans everywhere; this nature lover is hoping for at least a couple of years without a witch in my Whitehouse.

[This message has been edited by G-Freeman (edited December 10, 1999).]
Oh, you'se guys:
Bitch and Moan!
Bitch and Moan!

I only have one question: Can I be first Non-Lady!

I've carried a torch for Cybil since Taxi Driver