
New member
So the right to keep and bear arms is really only the right to keep arms?(according to the answers I have read.)

And you can bear arms only if you purchase the right to do so.(By paying your permit/instructor/backround checks you buy the right to bear arms...which you already have by residing in the US).


Whats the benefit of having a CWP??

Cant a guy/gal carry a gun in their car anyway??
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With the exception of (I think) Vermont you cannot legally have a loaded weapon in your vehicle. CCW (for your state) gives you a legal right to carry a loaded weapon without violating your state law.

Under federal law you are required to carry the gun and ammunition seperately or as separately as your vehicle will reasonably allow. The firearm must be in a locked case and the ammo separated from the weapon. CCW allows you the right to carry under federal law.

Check with a lawyer (I am not one) but unless you live in Vermont I definitely strongly advise against carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle without a CCW permit. Why risk a felony not to have the permit that you (in my opinion) have a legal right to so long as you go through the legal process.
Cant a guy/gal carry a gun in their car anyway??

Depends on the state.

Some do not allow it at all, some will allow it if placed in the glove box, others say the glove box is concealed and NOT allowed.

A permit allows you to at least carry in the issuing state, and possibly others that have recognize the permit.
Well you can carry guns in your trunk without a cw permit. The advantage of a CWP is you can carry them on yourself and not need to run to your car.
"With the exception of (I think) Vermont you cannot legally have a loaded weapon in your vehicle. CCW (for your state) gives you a legal right to carry a loaded weapon without violating your state law.

Under federal law you are required to carry the gun and ammunition seperately or as separately as your vehicle will reasonably allow. The firearm must be in a locked case and the ammo separated from the weapon. CCW allows you the right to carry under federal law. This is for crossing state lines per TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 44; Interstate transportation of firearms. Loaded guns in the state you are in is per State law.

Check with a lawyer (I am not one) but unless you live in Vermont I definitely strongly advise against carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle without a CCW permit. Why risk a felony not to have the permit that you (in my opinion) have a legal right to so long as you go through the legal process."

You can carry a loaded weapon, without a permit, in Utah, Colorado, and NV (however in NV it cannot be concealed on your person while in the car). Used to be able to carry a loaded handgun in your car in NM, since NM considered your car/truck an extension of your house; not sure anymore. There may be other states too. Almost forgot AK. No permits allowed there for concealed carry or carry in a vehicle. Also, like to state when I say gun or weapon in a vehicle, I mean a handgun. Most states do not allow carry of a loaded long gun.
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If you are over 21 and otherwise elegible to posess a firearm you can have a loaded weapon on your car in Missouri. No ccw needed.Outside the car you need the ccw.
You can now have a loaded gun in your car in Georgia as well, even without a permit I believe as long as you are 21 and legally able to get a ccw permit.

Where do you live?
You may not have a weapon in your vehicle here in PA without a permit. You can open carry, but not cover it or get into a vehicle of anykind w/o the permit, IIRC. Its just easier to get the permit, and much safer for you!
You can have a loaded gun in a pickup in Montana.

However the main CWP plus is you can carry one ON YOU. That's what mine does. :D
Theres always 2 or 3 loaded guns in my truck at any time of the year in Wyo too.
I thought it was legal in all but about a half dozen states.
You can walk the street with a gun too, but not consealed without the permit.
The original question is “what is the benefit of a CWP”, not where you may carry without one nor how you may carry without one nor how you may carry with one.

The benefit of a CWP is that it allows one to “bypass” many of the restrictions placed upon those persons who do not have one and in some places allows one to carry where no one may carry without one.
Minnesota you have to have a permit to have a loaded gun in your vehicle.:mad: Other wise it has to be unloaded and in a case that fully covers the firearm. Does not have to be locked. Can be zipped, tied, or snapped shut!
Depends on the laws in your state. In SC, a non-CWP gun carried in a car must be in a closed compartment. In NC, it must be openly displayed either on the seat or dashboard. In SC, there is NO open carry on your person. In NC, you may carry openly except under certain conditions and places. Both NC and SC have CWP available by taking a test. In NC, you must purchase a handgun permit to buy a gun. Not in SC. You must fill out the 4473 and have the background check done in both states. In SC, a CWP holder still must fill out the 4473, but the background check is waived.

Now - your gun is in your car. You're 50 feet away, walking out of the store, when someone tries to mug you. What good does that gun do you?
Question was: Whats the benefit of having a CWP??

I50sx you didn’t mention what state you are in. As you can see there are a lot of differences in what each state will allow. Kentucky is really a wonderful state.
Benefits of having a permit… Well you can open carry here without a permit, but if you have your permit you can carry and be private about it. (*Except where prohibited) Also our Ky. permit covers more. (The following is from a Kentucky State Police web site.
What weapons are covered under the CCDW license?
• Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or serious physical injury, may be discharged.
• Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife.
• Billy, nightstick, or club.
• Blackjack or slapjack.
• Nunchaku karate sticks.
• Shiriken or death star.
• Artificial knuckles made from plastic, or other similar hard material.
*Where can I openly carry a firearm?
There are no Kentucky Revised Statutes that govern the open carry of firearms by persons who lawfully possess such firearms except for the following:
• 527.070 - Unlawful possession (whether carried openly or concealed) of a weapon on school property, except for certain specified exceptions.
• KRS 244.125 - Which bars loaded firearms (concealed or otherwise) in places where alcohol is sold by the drink, except for certain specified exceptions.
Question was: Cant a guy/gal carry a gun in their car anyway??

In Kentucky we can carry a gun in our vehicle glove compartment and it is not considered concealed. Below is my source from a Kentucky State Police web site.

How can I legally carry a gun in my vehicle without a CCDW license?
KRS 527.020 - "A deadly weapon shall not be deemed concealed on or about the person if it is located in a glove compartment, regularly installed in a motor vehicle by its manufacturer regardless of whether said compartment is locked, unlocked, or does not have a locking mechanism."

I wasn't joking when I said Kentucky is wonderful.:)
KY gun laws

rcurry; From across the river in the land of Hoosiers. I think taht KY's laws are pretty common sense, even compared to IN's. Please keep them that way.
Under federal law you are required to carry the gun and ammunition seperately or as separately as your vehicle will reasonably allow. The firearm must be in a locked case and the ammo separated from the weapon. CCW allows you the right to carry under federal law.

This is so far off it is not even funny.

The federal law you are referring to applies to interstate transportation of firearms, and was designed to allow for safe passage through restrictive states.

CCW has nothing to do with federal law (unless you are a LEO).

It is a state's permission to carry a concealed weapon and not be violation of state law.

The permit may be valid in more than one state depending on reciprocity agreements entered into between the states.

When in another state were a permit is valid, you must comply with their laws and regulations about carry.