CVA Optima Elite in .358 Norma?


New member
I have a CVA Optima Elite in a 35 Whelen. I had some headspace issues and thought about reaming it to a .358 Norma. I know I would have to modify the extractor. My question is does anyone think that this would be more than the break down action could handle? Also, I don't really want to go with any offspring of the 35 Whelen. Not an Ackley Improved version or a Brown Whelen or any of that. I have another bolt action in a 35 Whelen that suits my needs. Feel free to give any constructive input.
Some numbers stolen from the interwebz:

35 Whelen ~62000 psi

358 Norma can't find a figure, but I did see 308 Norma @ 64000 and that's also the figure for the 300 and 338 Winchester magnums so let's go with it.

So figure 1.03 times the pressure.

Case head diameter 12mm for 35W, 13mm for 358N (pardon me while I switch to metric... ).

So figure 1.17 times the case head area.

Near as I can tell that means 21% more force applied to action.

Too much for me.
With this in mind, how can the T/C Encore withstand pressures of the .375 H&H? I've shot a few of these for people before season opened. They have never had any issues and have harvested several deer and hogs. STRENGTH WISE, is the CVA Optima Elite no where close to the Encore?
It doesn't really matter what it's chambered in now (for strength purposes), it matters what the highest thrust cartridge it's chambered in is.

Barrels can be had (or could) for the Optima Elite chambered in .300WinMag. That cartridge has the same head diameter as the .358Norma.

The Norma is based on the .375H&H Magnum, with a max pressure of 62,000psi. The WinMag is rated at 64,000.

If it can handle the WinMag, it can handle the Norma.
Thanks for the input.

That was along the lines of my train of thought. I just wanted other opinions before I do this.
Its going to kick like a mule.

If I may ask,is this whole idea to deal with headspace in a 35 Whelen,or is this really about"I have an idea I'd like to .358 Norma that rifle"

If it just what you want to do,we all have our projects!

You aren't going to be buying factory loads for 358 Norma very easily,I assume you are handloading.If you go Norma mag,you don't have to max load.

But it is also true that handloading will allow you to create ammunition for your Whelen that will work just fine.Just limit setting the shoulder back when you size

I do not own a TC,but I speculate that if you get zippy with your loads,action spring might seem like a headspace issue.Does it accept a field gage?
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It's a mix between the two. I like the idea of the .358 Norma. I do reload everything i shoot so that won't be the issue, besides the dies being pricey. I plan to put a muzzle break on it anyway so the recoil shouldn't be an issue. I'm not that recoil sensitive to begin with.

As far as the headspace issue goes, I had multiple misfires with factory ammo. The only way i fixed it was, as you said, back my dies off just a bit when resizing. I also seated some nosler accubonds far enough into the lands for a crush fit and that worked.

For a while I thought it may be the main spring in the hammer wasn't strong enough, so i changed it. Still had misfires. I thought I didn't have enough firing pin protrusion. Adjusted that, still had misfires. However, what you stated about action spring when firing seeming like headspace issues does make me wonder now.
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Actually.I made theassumption that the T/C was a break actionsingle shot,and that was the reasoning.

I think I saw an ad showing the Icon as a bolt gun.In that case,if its a front locking lug action,spring is not likely.

The Whelen does not have much shoulder,and it is a fairly shallow angle.

I assume you are carefully setting your sizing die for about .002 head clearance.

What sort of extractor setup does it have?I ask because the .012 or so thick brass at the shoulder just is not very strong.If the extractor is a snap over the rim type,closing the bolt may be setting the shoulder back.You could check that with a before/after check cycling ammo without shooting.

You have rejected improved versions.They would provide a better shoulder,but I'll respect your choice.

The small,shallow shoulders on the H+H cartridges inspired the belt,for exactly the ignition problems you describe.A good anvil!

Back in the Milsurp Sporter heyday,Norma had a deal going to rent the Norma mag reamers to smiths.Selling ammo and brass was the plan.I think maybe,back then,Schultz and Larson was the only factory chambered rifle.

Springfields,P-17 and P-14 Enfields,M-70's,etc were converted

Without arguing whether it was a good idea,older bro had a .358 Win fwt pre-64 M-70 converted to .358 Norma.(Remember,in 1964 a pre-64 was the common rack M-70,and .358 Win,great cartridge it was,was an orphan.Bro was making trips to Canada for moose,)

It was quite a rifle.